Translation of "Are" in Polish

0.029 sec.

Examples of using "Are" in a sentence and their polish translations:

We are who we are.

Jesteśmy kim jesteśmy.

- Are you asleep?
- Are you sleeping?
- Are they sleeping?


- Are you joking, or are you serious?
- Are you kidding, or are you serious?

Żartujecie czy mówicie poważnie?

- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about this?
- Are you certain?
- Are you safe?

- Jesteś pewien?
- Jesteś pewna?
- Jesteś bezpieczny?

- Are you homeless?
- Are you guys homeless?
- Are you all homeless?
- Are y'all homeless?

Jesteś bezdomny?

- There you are.
- There you are!

Tutaj jesteś.

- Are you kidding?
- Are you joking?


- Are you sure?
- Are you certain?

Czy jesteś pewien?

- They are neighbours.
- They are neighbors.

Oni są sąsiadami.

- They are teachers.
- They are professors.

Oni są profesorami.

- Are you asleep?
- Are you sleeping?


- How are you?
- Are you well?

Jak się masz?

- Apes are intelligent.
- Monkeys are intelligent.

Małpy są inteligentne.

- These are real.
- These are genuine.

Te są prawdziwe.

- Are we prepared?
- Are we ready?

- Jesteśmy gotowi?
- Jesteśmy przygotowani?

- Are you jealous?
- Are you envious?

Jesteś zazdrosny?

- Are you mad?
- Are you angry?

- Jesteś zły?
- Jesteś zła?

- Are you sisters?
- Are they sisters?

- Jesteście siostrami?
- Są siostrami?

Some are moderate; some are radical.

Niektórzy są umiarkowani, niektórzy radykalni.

- People are strange.
- People are weird.

Ludzie są dziwni.

- Are you awake?
- Are you up?

Nie śpisz?

- Are you satisfied?
- Are you content?


- Here we are.
- Here we are!

Jesteśmy na miejscu!

- Are you angry?
- Are you furious?

Czy jesteś zły?

- Courgettes are green.
- Zucchinis are green.

Cukinie są zielone.

- "Are these your cars?" "Yes, they are."
- "Are these cars yours?" "Yes, they are mine."

Czy te wszystkie samochody są twoje? Tak, są moje.

- Are you afraid?
- You're afraid?
- Are you frightened?
- Are you scared?

Jesteś przerażony?

- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about this?
- Are you certain?

Czy jesteś pewien?

- Hi! How are you?
- Hello, how are you?
- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. How are you?
- Hi. How are you doing?
- Hello! How are you?

Czesć! Jak się masz?

- These are my books; those are his.
- These books are mine and those books are his.

To moje książki, tamte są jego.

- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about this?
- Are you certain?
- Are you sure about that?
- Are you sure of it?

Jesteś pewien?

- Hi! How are you?
- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. How are you?
- Hi. How are you doing?
- Hello! How are you?

Czesć! Jak się masz?

- Are they here?
- Are you in?
- Are you here?
- Is she there?
- Is he there?
- Are they there?
- Are they in?


They are.

Są nimi.

We are are all, everyone of us,

Każdy z nas jest czymś więcej

Some are red and others are white.

- Są czerwone, są i białe.
- Jedne są czerwone, inne - białe.

Your shoes are here. Where are mine?

Twoje buty są tutaj. Gdzie są moje?

- Are you single?
- Are you a bachelor?

Masz kogoś?

- Are you at home?
- Are you home?

Jesteście w domu?

Are you studying or are you working?

Pracujesz czy studiujesz?

- Prices are going up.
- Prices are rising.

Ceny idą w górę.

Are you joking or are you serious?

Żartujesz, czy mówisz na serio?

- Flowers are yellow.
- The flowers are yellow.

Kwiaty są żółte.

Those who are present are all Japanese.

Wszyscy obecni są Japończykami.

We are poor, but we are happy.

Jesteśmy biedni, ale szczęśliwi.

- How are you doing?
- How are you?

Jak się pan miewa?

- Are you happy?
- Are you guys happy?

Czy jesteś szczęśliwy?

- Are you lost?
- Are you all lost?


- Apples are red.
- The apples are red.

Jabłka są czerwone.

"Whose books are these?" "They are Alice's."

"Czyli to książki?" "Alicji."

- Are you vegetarian?
- Are you a vegetarian?

- Czy jesteś wegetarianinem?
- Czy jesteś wegetarianką?

There are still people who are illiterate.

Wciąż są ludzie będący analfabetami.

- Bacteria are microscopic organisms.
- Bacteria are microorganisms.

Bakterie są mikroskopijnymi organizmami.

"Whose medicines are these?" "They are Fahima's."

"Czyje to są leki?" "Fahimy."

Whales are not fish. They are mammals.

- Wieloryby nie są rybami. Są ssakami.
- Wieloryby to nie ryby. To ssaki.

Girls are girls and boys are boys.

Dziewczyny to dziewczyny, a chłopaki to chłopaki.

Are you sure those students are Canadians?

Czy jesteś pewien, że ci uczniowie są Kanadyjczykami?

There are no galaxies, there are no stars, there are no planets.

Nie było galaktyk, gwiazd ani planet.

What are your fears? What are your hopes? What are your dreams?

Czego się obawiasz? Jakie masz nadzieje? Jakie masz marzenia?

- Hi! How are you?
- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. How are you?

Czesć! Jak się masz?

- Those are my trousers.
- Those are my pants.
- These are my trousers.

To moje spodnie.

- Those are my CDs.
- These are my CDs.
- Those are my CD's.

To są moje płyty.

- Those books are mine.
- These are my books.
- Those are my books.

To są moje książki.

- Who are these people?
- Who are those people?
- Who are those men?

Kim są ci ludzie?

Some are being born, some are living their lives, and some are dying.

Niektóre z nich się rodzą, inne trwają lub umierają.

- Hello, how are you?
- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. How are you doing?

Cześć, jak się masz?

- Are you sure about this?
- Are you sure about that?
- Are you positive?

Jesteś tego pewien?

- You all right?
- Are you all right?
- Are you OK?
- Are you alright?

- Wszystko w porządku?
- Wszystko dobrze?

Because you are completely loved as you are,

i zasługujemy by nas kochano takimi, jacy jesteśmy.

Are we gonna jump, are we gonna rappel?

Będziemy skakać czy zjedziemy po linie?

- All men are equal.
- All people are equal.

Wszyscy ludzie są równi.

- How tall you are!
- How big you are!

Ależ jesteś wysoki!

- Are you feeling OK?
- Are you feeling okay?

Dobrze się pan czuje?

- Are you enjoying it?
- Are you having fun?

Dobrze się bawisz?

- Some snakes are poisonous.
- Some snakes are venomous.

Niektóre węże są jadowite.

They are content with things as they are.

Oni są zadowoleni z obecnego stanu rzeczy.

Are you a student or are you working?

Uczysz się czy pracujesz?

- Those are our books.
- These are our books.

To są nasze książki.