Translation of "They" in Polish

0.039 sec.

Examples of using "They" in a sentence and their polish translations:

- They vanished.
- They disappeared.


- Whenever they meet, they quarrel.
- Every time they meet, they quarrel.

Ilekroć się spotkają, kłócą się.

- They said they were mistaken.
- They said that they were mistaken.

- Powiedzieli, że byli w błędzie.
- Powiedziały, że były w błędzie.

- They were sleeping.
- They slept.
- They were asleep.


- They said that they were very worried.
- They said they were really worried.
- They said they were very worried.

Powiedzieli, że bardzo się martwią.

- They never talk but they quarrel.
- Every time they talk, they argue.

Jak tylko otworzą do siebie usta, od razu zaczynają się kłócić.

Whenever they meet, they quarrel.

Zawsze, kiedy się spotykają, narzekają.

- They started running.
- They ran.

- Oni pobiegli.
- Oni biegli.

They say they need help.

Powiedzieli, że potrzebują pomocy.

- They have come.
- They came.


They did it, didn't they?

Zrobili to, prawda?

They are delicate. They fall ill.

Są delikatne. Chorują.

- They won the day.
- They won.


They didn't come here, did they?

Nie przyszli, prawda?

- They exchanged greetings.
- They exchanged hellos.

Wymienili pozdrowienia.

- They drink coke.
- They drink cola.

Piją colę.

Every time they talk, they argue.

Za każdym razem gdy rozmawiają, kłócą się.

- They seem happy.
- They look happy.

Wyglądają na szczęśliwych.

- They want this.
- They want that.

Oni tego chcą.

- They are neighbours.
- They are neighbors.

Oni są sąsiadami.

- They become nervous.
- They get nervous.

Zrobili się nerwowi.

- They are teachers.
- They are professors.

Oni są profesorami.

- They were killed.
- They were murdered.

Zostali zamordowani.

They said they would not fight.

Powiedzieli, że nie będą walczyć.

- They kissed each other.
- They kissed.

Pocałowali się.

They looked like they were satisfied.

- Wyglądali na zadowolonych.
- Wyglądały na zadowolone.

- They told me that they were very tired.
- They told me they were very tired.

- Powiedzieli mi, że są bardzo zmęczeni.
- Powiedziały mi, że są bardzo zmęczone.

- They say that they want to help us.
- They say they want to help us.

Oni powiedzieli że chcą nam pomóc.

- They didn't find it.
- They haven't found him.
- They haven't found her.
- They didn't find him.
- They didn't find her.

Nie znaleźli go.

- They don't understand.
- They don't get it.
- They do not understand.

- Oni nie rozumieją tego.
- Pan tego nie rozumie.

- What are they doing?
- What do they do?
- What're they doing?

Co oni robią?

- They attained their purpose.
- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

Swój cel osiągnęli.

They are.

Są nimi.

They won.


They swam.


They yelled.


They walked.


They waited.


They understood.


They tried.


They sweated.

Pocili się.

They struggled.


They stopped.

Zatrzymali się.

They stood.

Oni stali.

They smiled.

Uśmiechnęli się.

They screamed.


They relaxed.

Odprężali się.

They refused.


They obeyed.


They lost.


They lied.


They left.


They laughed.

Śmiali się.

They fell.


They escaped.


They danced.


They cheered.


They cheat.


They canceled.


They called.


They burned.


They approve.


They applauded.


They agree.

Zgadzają się.

They voted.


They crashed.


They embraced.


They quarreled.

Pokłócili się.

They slept.

- Spali.
- Spały.

They hugged.


They disappeared.


They came.


They write.


They shouted as loudly as they could.

Krzyczeli tak głośno jak mogli.

They looked as if they would cry.

Mieli niemalże łzy w oczach.

- They are drinking water.
- They drink water.

Oni piją wodę.

They didn't help you much, did they?

Nie pomogli ci dużo, co nie?

They have something they need to do.

- Mają coś do zrobienia.
- Oni mają coś do zrobienia.

They don't know what they should do.

Nie wiedzą, co powinni zrobić.

They go on Amazon, they buy a thing, and they check their email,

Wchodzą na Amazon, kupują, sprawdzają pocztę

They hunt in packs, they live in packs, and they are formidable opponents.

Polują w grupie, żyją w grupie i są potężnymi przeciwnikami.

they do not look like they have a lot in common, do they?

nie wygląda, jakby miały wiele wspólnego.

- They shed tears at the news.
- They cried when they heard the news.

Rozpłakali się, kiedy usłyszeli wiadomość.

They said "you're fine," they said "you're well,"

'Wszystko w porządku; jesteś zdrowy,

So they couldn’t struggle, and they weren’t learning.

Nie było wysiłku, więc nie było też nauki.