Translation of "Suckers" in Korean

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Examples of using "Suckers" in a sentence and their korean translations:

She's got 2,000 suckers, and she's using all of them independently.

‎문어는 빨판 2천 개를 ‎제각각 움직일 수 있습니다

So you've got to very gently prize off those suckers without disturbing her,

‎어쩔 수 없이 아주 조심스럽게 ‎빨판을 비틀어 떼어 내야 해요 ‎문어를 괴롭히지 않으면서요

Keeping all the other arms attached to the den and the suckers in place.

‎팔이란 팔은 전부 ‎굴에 딱 붙이고 있었어요 ‎빨판도 고정돼 있었죠

And has this amazing method of just picking them up with her suckers and gently just throwing them out the den.

‎놀라운 방식으로 대처했죠 ‎빨판으로 불가사리를 떼서 ‎굴 밖으로 조심스레 밀어냈습니다