Translation of "Collapse" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Collapse" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

And intellectually, it did collapse.

実際 理屈で考えれば 崩壊したのです

The whole concept would just collapse.

絵のコンセプトそのものが 成り立たなくなるほどです

The tower is going to collapse.


His regime is bound to collapse.


Getting numb from too much collapse porn.

「終末論疲労」に 陥ってしまっています

And at some point that will collapse.

ある時点で 崩壊するでしょうね

The obsolete regime is about to collapse.


I'm tired to the point of collapse.


The country's economy is about to collapse.


This incident led the movement to collapse.


If you don't take a vacation, you'll collapse.

- 休暇を取らないと、体が参ってしまいますよ。
- 休み取らないと倒れちゃうよ。

The old bridge is in danger of collapse.


The house was on the verge of collapse.


And help prevent a collapse of the fish stock


And bridges that aren't based on truth will collapse.

真実を土台にしていない橋は 崩れてしまうでしょう

The house seemed about to collapse at any moment.


- I'm so sleepy I'm about to fall over.
- I'm about to collapse I'm so tired.
- I'm so tired I'm about to collapse.


Till the end, even as Napoleon’s empire began to collapse.

、最後まで 抵抗を提供しなければならない ことを保証 しました。

In which we find the collapse of the Mayas, the Vikings,

マヤ文明やバイキングや 偉大なメソポタミア文明の崩壊に

The news was all about the collapse of the Soviet Union.


- The engineers blew up the bridge because it was about to collapse.
- The engineers blew up the bridge because it was about ready to collapse.

- 壊れかかっていたので、技師達はその橋を爆破した。
- こわれかかっていたので技師たちはその橋を爆破した。

The engineers blew up the bridge because it was about to collapse.


After an explosion caused the tunnel to collapse, killing many of its workers.

多くの人々が命を落とした それ以来ここは不安定だ

Move the knob at the side of the seat forwards, collapse the seat.


- The Cold War ended with the fall of the USSR.
- The Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
