Translation of "Challenge" in Japanese

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Challenge" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

That's a challenge,

それが 問題です

So here's my challenge.


I enjoy the challenge.


It's a two-week challenge,


Who might challenge your thinking.

あなたの支持政党以外の人と 話をしてみてください

I'm really enjoying the challenge.


I have a challenge for you.


The challenge was always the same:


That it will be a challenge.

きっと大変な挑戦になるだろうと 思ったんです

As an even more exciting challenge.


But they faced a serious challenge.


I'm ready whenever they challenge me.


This problem is a real challenge.

- この問題はとても難しい。
- この問題は本当に手強い。

I want to give you a challenge.


I don't mean to challenge your theory.


The traveler stopped at the soldier's challenge.


This prepared me for my next challenge.

こうやって乗り越えた僕は また次チャレンジするわけですよ

In fact my next challenge is now.

次のチャレンジっていうのが まさに今です

And you were definitely up to the challenge.


Meeting their needs will be a big challenge.

彼らの要求に応えるのは 大きなチャレンジですが

To the global challenge posed by climate change


Whatever the outcome, you must meet the challenge.


I like the challenge of translating the untranslatable.


I intend to challenge him to a game.


I took a chance and accepted his challenge.


I don't get enough challenge in this job.

- 私はこの仕事にやりがいを感じない。
- この仕事にはあまりやりがいを感じない。

Our biggest challenge was not so much product related,

最大の課題は 製品関連という訳ではなく

If you're up for the challenge, choose "Replay Episode",

挑戦するなら “リプレイ”をどうぞ

If you're up for the challenge, choose "Replay Episode".

挑戦するなら “リプレイ”をどうぞ

But they eat Tide Pods for an online challenge,

度胸試しで洗剤を食べる動画を ネットに投稿したり

And the challenge to try and figure it out.


For a new family, night poses a different challenge.

‎幼子を抱えた家族には ‎夜は別の試練を課す

Project '87 was really just a challenge to Davidson:

プロジェクト87は大学への 単なる挑戦でした

Today, we’re announcing a new job role and challenge


I challenge you to invite someone like this to #dialoguecoffee.

そんな人物を #DialogueCoffee に誘ってください

If we want to challenge the hate in our societies,


Hip-hop could have grown to challenge the war on drugs.

ヒップホップは もっと成長して 麻薬戦争に対抗できたかもしれません

The challenge will be signalling it, so it can find us


I was drawn to oceanography by just this kind of challenge.

そんな挑戦に惹かれて 私は海洋学の虜になりました

The challenge we face this time, however, is one of time.

しかし 今 直面している課題は 時間との戦いです

That was the biggest technical challenge I faced in developing it.

ここが技術的に 一番難しかった作品です

But it's a challenge to make your mind a bit less stimulated


I thought it would be boorish to challenge his identity without warning.


But I am somehow taking on the mental challenge this time too.

でも今回も 何とかなる精神で チャレンジしてみたんです

The greatest challenge of a disability is not the actual disability itself.

障害を持つことの一番の困難は 障害そのものではありません

Now, the challenge is that we know in schools all around the world,

課題は 世界中の学校では 英語が

Has never had to face the challenge of this thing called sleep deprivation.

睡眠不足という課題に 直面する必要がなかったんです

We're confident that you are up to the challenge of the new position.


But crossing that final gap would be the greatest challenge of The Apollo Program.


Masséna, supremely self-confident and unfazed by any challenge, was elected to command the

マセナは、非常に自信があり、どんな挑戦にも動じず、 大隊 を指揮するために選出さ

The whale and the elephant, neither able to challenge the other in its own domain.


Do not operate the Pokemon Challenge in Google Maps while driving or operating heavy machinery.


It was a real challenge for us to go down the cliff on a rope.


On the open plains, each night brings a different challenge. The African savanna is getting darker.

‎平原では毎晩 ‎違う困難が待ち受ける ‎アフリカのサバンナが ‎闇に包まれる

Who – in his eyes – had made him look foolish in  front of the Emperor. Soult ignored the challenge.

ソウルト元帥との決闘を要求し ました。ソウルトは挑戦を無視した。

I used to just watch others do stuff instead of actually doing it, so I wouldn't challenge myself.


In order to continue to challenge new things, in order to meet new needs, we work day in day out in R&D.


Thirdly, if you don't put in the effort and challenge difficult things, there is nothing in the world at which you will succeed.


One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.
