Translation of "Cells" in Japanese

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Cells" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Your lung cells, your liver cells, your skin cells,

肺も 肝臓も 皮膚も その他の

Within each of those cells,


All the cells of your body --


Muscle tissue consists of innumerable cells.


Bacteria are just tiny harmless cells.


But a few of the cells survive.


Photosynthetic cells smaller than anyone thought possible.

それは前代未聞の 極小の光合成細胞です

Animal bodies are made up of cells.


Those cells know, at a fundamental molecular level,


Vitamins A and C support your immune cells.


And many of them died in their cells.


In science class, we drew pictures of cells.


Between XX and XY cells, tissues, organs and bodies.


In eight-by-ten cells with slats for light.

10部屋中 8部屋は 照明にカバーがかけられていました

For as long as bondage and jail cells existed.

強制労働や刑務所が登場してから ずっと続けられてきたことです

The idea is to use the patient's own stem cells,


But I never learned which compounds my cells could manufacture

しかし正常な化学反応を生じる成分のうち どれが細胞で生産できて

Different brain cells would code different parts of the maze.

各地点を異なる脳細胞が 符号化していました

For life to settle at the level of simple cells.

生命体が単細胞のまま 留まる運命にあるのかもしれません

Bail was never intended to hold people in jail cells.

人を牢屋に閉じ込める手段として 設計されたものではありませんでした

And it can damage those key cells in our skin


A human body consists of a countless number of cells.


The human body is composed of billions of small cells.


First of all, XX and XY cells do their business differently,

まず最初に XXとXYの細胞は働きが違う

But the guards can see into every inch of those cells.

看守からは監房内の隅から隅まで 監視できます

The immune system creates a small environment of cells and proteins

細胞とタンパク質で構成され 幹細胞の働きを変化させるような

Firefly squid make their own light, using special cells called photophores.

‎ホタルイカは発光器を使い ‎自ら発光している

Of what the cancer cells are exposed to in our bodies.

プラスティックの培養皿で 行っていたからです

Of each of those 10 trillion cells that make up your body,

この10兆個の細胞の 核の1つ1つの全ての中に

And in fact, this idea that the cells of the reproductive tract


We have a billion cells in our brains, with ten trillion connections.

私たちは10億の脳細胞と 1兆の神経接続を持っています

Mirror-like cells in her eyes amplify what little light there is.

‎鏡のような目の細胞が ‎わずかな光を増幅する

The chromosomes in our cells contain the whole of our genetic material.


All the cells of your body ultimately derived from this one founding cell,

全ての体細胞が 突き詰めれば この1つの基本となる細胞

Well, if you don't know whether if you're studying XX or XY cells --

もしも 使用している細胞が XXかXYか知らないまま研究していたのなら

They have a horizontal band of light-sensitive cells... for scanning the horizon.

‎頭を動かさずに水平方向を ‎見渡せる目の構造をしている

With which your cells, and tissues, and organs in your body execute their functions.

それで細胞や 組織や 臓器が機能するのです

At the level of cells and all the higher levels of organization that follow.

それは細胞レベルでも より高次の組織や臓器レベルでもそうです

And so if you added a tone to each one of the brain cells

その脳細胞それぞれに 音を割り当ててみます