Translation of " it’s" in Japanese

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Examples of using " it’s" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

"It’s time!"


It’s nice quality.


And it’s free!


It’s not safe.


It’s a rival male.


It’s gonna get busy!


It’s 8:00 am.

- 朝の8時です。
- 午前8時です。

It’s her job to learn.


It’s a 1202 Stand by


It’s trusted by its users…


Their power, their venom, it’s potent. You know, it’s not to be messed with.

強力な毒の持ち主よ 決してナメちゃいけないわ

It’s 6:30 in the morning,


It’s late in Lopburi, central Thailand.

‎タイのロッブリーで ‎夜が更ける

Apollo 7 accomplished all it’s objectives.


"It’s a lot like the flu."


"It’s time to see your doctor."


I’ll show you it’s not true.

偽りのものであることを お示しします

I recommend it; it’s a brake.


And it’s not obvious where that is.

どこにブレーキがあるのか はっきりしません

It’s in our spiritual and religious traditions.

私たちのスピリチュアルで 宗教的な伝統の中からです

It’s a vicious killer with an agonizing bite,

毒で苦痛を与える 邪悪な殺し屋で

It’s a TV commercial for a prescription drug.


And it’s wonderful that we have this device.

こんな装置をもっているのは すばらしいことです

When it’s taking you in the wrong direction.

マインドが 間違った方向に 連れて行こうとしているときのことです

It’s a slithering loaded gun with a hair trigger.

まるで這い回る 装填された銃です

Hurry up and go to bed. It’s already midnight.


Suppose it’s your girlfriend saying, “I don’t want you.”

「もう好きじゃない」と 彼女に言われたら?

If you’re a bad person, then it’s your problem.


It’s very likely that the deaths  of Davout’s patron, Desaix,  

と義兄弟のルクレール の死が 彼の道を切り開いた

It’s easy to install and use, and packed with features.


It’s like having a calculator where there’s no minus button,

「-」ボタンのない 計算機のようなもので

On sleeping medications and how it’s gone up to about

いくら支出したのかを 話していました

[Boone] This is a city that’s been busy, now it’s asleep.

昼は活気がある街も 夜は静かだ

And it’s wonderful as we begin to then learn other relationships

その後 他の関係を学び始めることも 驚くべきことです

So what it does is once it’s in the target structure,

それで 建屋の中に入った後は

It’s an enormous risk to have an entire population in one location.

1カ所に種が集中するのは 非常に危険よ

But it’s hard to navigate the vast, featureless dunes in the dark.

‎真っ暗な砂丘で ‎メスを探すのは大変だ

With Surfshark installed, it’s simple to access geo-blocked streaming services such

Surfsharkをインストールすると、 Netflix、BBC iPlayer、Huluなど、国を問わず、

Grace of Napoleon and French blood. It’s  black ingratitude that’s blinding you.”

ナポレオンとフランスの血の恵み によってただの王です 。あなたを盲目にしているのは、黒い感謝です。」

In French it’s called a donjon - the origin of the word dungeon.

フランス語でドンジョンと呼ばれた ダンジョンの語源である

And it’s up to the doctor to make the right prescribing decisions.

この場合、医者の適切な処方の判断に 任されています

Then no matter how successful you are, maybe it’s not big enough.

それをどんなによく理解しても 十分に学んだとは言えません

“Which translation is better?” “It’s hard to tell, they’re both natural translations.”


It’s now been proven that one third of cheetah hunts occur after dark.

‎チーターの狩りの3分の1は ‎夜行われることが分かった

Your body is a temple, but it’s also a museum of natural history.

身体は神聖な神殿とも言えますが、 自然の歴史博物館だとも言えます

It’s to get a little separation, to get some air in the room.

それは小さな隙間を作って 部屋に少し空気を入れるようなものです

When an attack occurs it’s often the response of a mother protecting her calf.

襲う理由の大半は 母が子を守るためです

- Don't push me very hard. It's dangerous.
- Don’t push me too hard. It’s dangerous.


It’s kind of a little humiliating that you can do it, but you can,

こんなに短く要約できる仕事とは お粗末な話ですが 要約しました

And just because you say “is not a” doesn’t mean that it’s not related.

「違う」は 「関係していない」ではありません

-[screech] -It’s almost like free falling really completely adept, completely at home in its environment.

ほとんど自由落下だ 環境に慣れきって 支配していたよ

“It’s a great pity that Marmont was not  in Dalmatia two or three years longer!”


Arizona exotic pet store owner Traci Roach and no, that’s not her stage name, it’s real,

アリゾナで珍しい動物を扱う トレイシー・ローチは―

With a fearsome reputation and an arsenal honed over centuries. It’s fast, aggressive, and highly venomous,

恐ろしい悪評と 進化した武器があり― 機敏で攻撃性が高く 猛毒です

A night stalker, it’s when the sun sets that this deadly viper does the most damage.

夜になると この猛毒ヘビは 猛威を振るいます

Causing Napoleon to remark, “It’s truly difficult  to have less brains than the Duke of Reggio”.


With super-powerful jaws and a bite more painful than a snake’s, it’s a predator to be feared.

強いあごで ヘビの牙以上の 苦痛を与える怖い生物です

Or maybe it’s just what a piece of type sounds like when it hits the floor. But we


Unfortunately people don’t react very strongly because it’s a tiny snake, oh, it’ll be okay and they generally don’t get to hospital.

残念なのは人々が― 小さなヘビだから大丈夫だと 病院に行かないことだ

“I wonder if Yumi has gotten up yet?” “I think she’s probably sleeping. I mean, it’s three in the morning in Japan.”


- It doesn’t matter what you say, he’ll be acquitted because of depression.
- By definition the fact it’s depression means it’ll be an acquittal.


The Asian forest centipede may be bad, but it’s not all evil. In Chinese medicine its venom is used to treat seizures and skin sores.

怖いオオムカデですが いい面もあります 漢方では 毒がてんかんや 皮膚のただれの薬に

“How long does it take to walk to Shibuya Station?” “Shibuya Station? It’s not far at all from here. Look, you can see it over there.”


With a saw-scaled viper because the action is so fast on the blood, it’s one of those venoms that can kill in less than an hour.

ノコギリヘビの毒は速く効き 1時間で死に至ることもある

- It seems silly that you are the one having to quit when it was his fault.
- Don’t you think it’s strange that although it was his fault, you’re the one quitting?


- This university is trying to superficially promote that it’s becoming more “international” by increasing the number of English-lecture courses.
- By offering more courses with lectures conducted in English, this university is trying to label itself as being more “international”.


It was about the year 2000 when I remember doing my first trip to Korea. Using my limited Korean, I had lots of trouble asking for basic things like where the train or bus were, and even what the way was to places. I remember lots of people responding to me in English, and while I was pretty relieved at that, I’ve gotta say: people in the country right next to us, speaking a language from peoples on the other side of the world! It’s only when you look at it in that objective state of mind that you realize how strange that is.
