Translation of "$23" in Japanese

0.028 sec.

Examples of using "$23" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

A 23 year old, 21, and 19.

享年それぞれ23歳 21歳 19歳でした

This is a 23-year-old woman


- I was born on 23 March 1969 in Barcelona.
- I was born in Barcelona on March 23, 1969.


You carry the same 23 pairs of chromosomes.


Spend 23 hours a day in solitary confinement

1日のうち23時間 独房に入れられ

But 30 years ago, there were 23 wars,

30年前はというと 23か所で戦争が起きていて

Reducing the time from 97 hours to 23 hours.

手術時間を97時間から 23時間に減少できました

Flight number is JL123, on August 23 for Tokyo.


I was born on 23 March 1969 in Barcelona.


The date on the calendar was September 23, 1964.


Surgery time has been reduced from 97 to 23 hours.

ある手術の時間が97時間から 23時間に短縮されました

Born on 2006 Feb 23, at 2730g, our family's treasure.


When I painted this picture, I was 23 years old.


So, let's look at those 23 pairs of chromosomes in more detail.

では この23対の染色体を もっと詳しく見ていきましょう

And was commanding his own  artillery regiment by the age of 23.


Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm.


The person who descended from the coach was a woman of about 22 or 23 with, if I had to say, a plain appearance. At a glance, I knew that she was a guest coming from Paris. She was alone.

車を降りたのは、一目でパリからの客とわかりはしましたが、どっちかといえば地味なつくりをした、二十二三の女でした。 女は一人でした。