Translation of "Solitary" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Solitary" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

[Leif] The orangutans are a solitary, semi-solitary animal

オランウータンは 単独行動を好み―

She led a solitary life.


I like a solitary walk.


If you are idle, be not solitary, if you are solitary, be not idle.


Cheetahs are known as solitary, daytime hunters.

‎チーターは昼間に ‎単独で狩りを行う動物だ

He likes to take a solitary walk.


Spend 23 hours a day in solitary confinement

1日のうち23時間 独房に入れられ

A solitary hyena is no match for a lion.

‎ハイエナ1頭では ‎ライオンにかなわない

The whale shark's life is mainly a solitary one.

‎ジンベエザメは ‎通常 単独で生きる

- She lives a solitary life in a remote part of Scotland.
- She leads a solitary life in a remote area of Scotland.


Even a solitary male follows the calls of the herd.

‎単独のオスも群れの声に ‎寄ってくる

- She lived a lonely life.
- She led a solitary life.


She lives a solitary life in a remote part of Scotland.


And then throw in the fact that the octopus is a solitary creature,

他のタコに近づかれることを 好まないので

- I like a solitary walk.
- I like walking alone.
- I like walking by myself.
