Translation of "Roadside" in German

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Roadside" in a sentence and their german translations:

Tom called roadside assistance.

Tom rief den Pannendienst.

He died by the roadside.

Er starb am Straßenrand.

We had lunch at a roadside restaurant.

Wir aßen bei einem Rasthaus an der Landstraße zu Mittag.

A roadside verge is the perfect place to meet.

ist der Straßenrand der perfekte Begegnungsort.

I happened to find a bicycle discarded at the roadside.

Zufällig habe ich am Straßenrand ein weggeworfenes Fahrrad gefunden.

You may not set up a roadside stall without prior notice.

Man darf ohne Anmeldung keinen Straßenstand aufstellen.

- The first flowers of spring are coming into bloom on the verge.
- The first flowers of spring are beginning to bloom on the roadside.
- The first flowers of spring are blooming on the verge.

Am Wegesrand erblühen die ersten Frühlingsblumen.