Translation of "Nearer" in French

0.026 sec.

Examples of using "Nearer" in a sentence and their french translations:

The examination is drawing nearer.

L'examen approche.

- Tom is getting nearer.
- Tom is coming closer.

Tom se rapproche.

Most of us prefer to think about nearer things,

nous préférons, en majorité, penser à des choses plus proches

My heart was pounding as my turn got nearer.

Mon cœur battait plus fort à l'approche de mon tour.

The café nearer to the school is closed at lunch hours.

La café le plus proche de l'école est fermé à l'heure du déjeuner.

Possession is nearer to him who has than to him who claims.

La possession est plus proche de celui qui détient que de celui qui revendique.

I’ll have a think about where to meet and we can confirm nearer the time.

Je vais réfléchir où nous rencontrer et nous pourrons confirmer lorsque le moment approchera.

He spake, and nearer through the city came / the roar, the crackle and the fiery glow / of conflagration, rolling floods of flame.

Il dit ; et de plus près / les flammes cependant menacent le palais ; / et, d'un cours plus rapide avançant vers leur proie, / en tourbillons fougueux leur fureur se déploie.

Meanwhile a mingled murmur through the street / rolls onward – wails of anguish, shrieks of fear –, / and though my father's mansion stood secrete, / embowered in foliage, nearer and more near / peals the dire clang of arms, and loud and clear, / borne on fierce echoes that in tumult blend, / war-shout and wail come thickening on the ear.

Cependant Ilion au carnage est livré ; / déjà le bruit affreux (quoique, loin de la ville, / mon père eût sa demeure au fond d'un bois tranquille) / de moment en moment me frappe de plus près.