Translation of "Henceforth" in French

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Examples of using "Henceforth" in a sentence and their french translations:

But his blind faith in the Emperor did not survive Russia… henceforth, he’d fight

Mais sa foi aveugle en l'empereur n'a pas survécu à la Russie… désormais, il ne se battra

Marriage is not pleasure, it is the sacrifice of pleasure, it is the study of two souls who will henceforth always have to be content with each other.

Le mariage n’est pas le plaisir, c’est le sacrifice du plaisir, c’est l’étude de deux âmes qui pour toujours désormais auront à se contenter l’une de l’autre.

- "But I, who walk in majesty as queen of the gods, both sister and wife of Jupiter, I am still waging wars with one tribe for all these years! And who will worship the divine spirit of Juno after this, or what suppliant will bring an offering to her altars?"
- "But I, who walk the Queen of Heaven confessed, / Jove's sister-spouse, shall I forevermore / with one poor tribe keep warring without rest? / Who then henceforth shall Juno's power adore? / Who then her fanes frequent, her deity implore?"

" Et moi, qui marche égale au souverain des cieux, / moi, l'épouse, la sœur du plus puissant des dieux, / armant contre un seul peuple et le ciel et la terre, / vainement je me lasse à lui livrer la guerre ! / Suis-je encore Junon ? et qui d'un vain encens / fera fumer encor mes autels impuissants ? "