Translation of "Argues" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Argues" in a sentence and their french translations:

Bill never argues with other people.

Bill ne se dispute jamais avec d'autres gens.

It's you who argues that hypothesis.

C'est toi qui défends cette hypothèse.

She argues with her parents constantly.

Elle se dispute continuellement avec ses parents.

argues that if we don't all just come and say it,

soutient que si nous ne le disons une fois pour toutes,

Einstein argues that there is such a connection between space and time.

Einstein soutient qu'il existe une telle connexion entre l'espace et le temps.

Discussing how to confront Hannibal, Scipio argues against taking the field, stressing

Discutant de la façon d'affronter Hannibal, Scipio plaide contre le fait de prendre le terrain, soulignant

Smith argues that no international laws can be applied to this case.

Smith fait valoir qu'aucune loi internationale ne peut être appliquée à cette affaire.

He argues that the administration must look for alternative sources of revenue.

Il soutient que l'administration doit proposer d'autres sources de revenus.

- His house argues him to be poor.
- If you see his house, you'll know that he is poor.
- Just seeing his house lets you know that he is poor.

Si tu vois sa maison, tu sauras qu'il est pauvre.

- Mary argues with her girlfriend.
- Mary quarrels with her girlfriend.
- Mary is arguing with her girlfriend.
- Mary is quarrelling with her girlfriend.
- Mary's quarrelling with her girlfriend.
- Mary's arguing with her girlfriend.

Mary se bagarre avec son amie.