Translation of "Perfeccionismo" in English

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Examples of using "Perfeccionismo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Que el perfeccionismo nos permite escalar.

that perfectionism leads us to imagine ourselves scaling.

El primero es el perfeccionismo autoorientado,

The first is self-oriented perfectionism,

El perfeccionismo, trabajar al extremo, sarcasmo, apatía…

Perfectionism, and overworking, snarkiness, and apathy;

Que el perfeccionismo contribuye a albergar problemas psicológicos,

that perfectionism contributes to a host of psychological problems,

Verán, el perfeccionismo de John, su imparable ética de trabajo,

See, John's perfectionism, his unrelenting work ethic,

Tendemos a elevar el perfeccionismo al nivel de una insignia de valor.

We tend to hold perfectionism up as an insignia of worth.

Si queremos ayudar a los jóvenes a huir de la trampa del perfeccionismo,

If we want to help our young people escape the trap of perfectionism,