Translation of "Tendemos" in English

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Examples of using "Tendemos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tendemos a cometer errores.

We tend to make errors.

¿Por qué según envejecemos tendemos a olvidar cosas?

Why as we age do we tend to forget things?

Tendemos a asociar a los políticos con la hipocresía.

We tend to associate politicians with hypocrisy.

Tendemos a pensar que la mayoría de los perros muerden.

We are inclined to think that most dogs bite.

Tendemos a ver la tecnología que tenemos como si estuviese madura,

We tend to see what we have now as the technology in its maturity.

Tendemos a pensar que los hombres deben ser fuertes física y emocionalmente.

We tend to think of men as both physically and emotionally strong;

Tendemos a elevar el perfeccionismo al nivel de una insignia de valor.

We tend to hold perfectionism up as an insignia of worth.

En general, tendemos a querer borrar el dolor y empezar de cero,

We often have a tendency to want to put a clean slate over our pain,

Tendemos a usar cada vez más los aparatos eléctricos en el hogar.

We tend to use more and more electric appliances in the home.

Tendemos a pensar que el Ártico es una víctima del cambio climático,

We tend to think of the Arctic as a victim of climate change,

Generalizar parece estar muy acorde con la manera en que pensamos ya que tendemos a buscar patrones en el mundo a nuestro alrededor.

Making generalizations seems to be in line with how we think since we tend to look for patterns in the world around us.