Translation of "Normalidad" in English

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Examples of using "Normalidad" in a sentence and their english translations:

La normalidad no existe.

Normalcy doesn't exist.

La normalidad es aburrida.

- Normalcy is boring.
- Normality is boring.

No volveremos a la normalidad porque la normalidad era el problema.

- We won't return to normalcy because normalcy was the problem.
- We won't go back to normal because normal was the problem.
- We won't go back to normality because normality was the problem.

Ahora que hemos definido la normalidad

Now that we've established normal,

Mis hemogramas volvieron a la normalidad,

my blood counts were back to normal,

Trátanos con normalidad, aunque tengamos pensamientos suicidas,

Let us belong, even if we suicidally ideate,

Para definir la normalidad en la familia?

and continue to define normal for families.

Quiero que todo vuelva a la normalidad.

I want everything to go back to normal.

Hasta ahora todo va entre anormalidad y normalidad.

So far everything goes between abnormality and normality

Que la actividad cerebral cambia y vuelve a la normalidad.

that the brain activity changes and returns to normal.

Son una de las primeras formas de medir la normalidad

They're one of the earliest measures of normal

Para mí, esta es la justificación para operar con normalidad

For me, this is the justification for operating normally

Dos semanas después, su estado emocional había vuelto a la normalidad.

Two weeks later, her emotional state had returned to normal

Me di cuenta que mi capacidad de encontrar esta nueva normalidad,

I realize that my ability to find this new normal,

Este es el poder de peer-to-peer creando la nueva normalidad.

This is the power of peer-to-peer creating the new normal.

Y la MDMA, en concreto, elimina ese miedo y permite que todo vuelva a la normalidad.

And MDMA specifically takes away that fear and allows the tape to be reworked.

La vida ya ha vuelto a la normalidad en Corea del Sur. ¿Sabes lo que pasó en Wuhan, China?

Life has already returned to normal in South Korea. Do you know what happened in Wuhan, China?