Translation of "Jomini" in English

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Examples of using "Jomini" in a sentence and their english translations:

Lo acompañó el coronel Henri Jomini, un oficial suizo y teórico militar.

He was accompanied by Colonel Henri Jomini, a Swiss officer and military theorist.

Jomini, el talentoso jefe de personal de Ney, lo llevó a desertar a los rusos.

Jomini, Ney’s talented chief of staff,  drove him to defect to the Russians.

Durante el avance contra los austriacos, Jomini animó a Ney a ignorar las órdenes del

During the advance against the Austrians, Jomini encouraged Ney to ignore orders from

Jomini ganaría fama como uno de los grandes pensadores militares del siglo XIX y sirvió a Ney

Jomini would win fame as one of the 19th century’s great military thinkers, and served Ney well