Translation of "Was jeder" in English

0.028 sec.

Examples of using "Was jeder" in a sentence and their english translations:

Was jeder tun wird, ist getrennt

what everyone will do is separate

Ich machte nur, was jeder getan hätte.

- I just did what anybody would've done.
- I just did what anybody would have done.

Das ist nichts, was jeder Beliebige tun kann.

It's not something anyone can do.

Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen. Ich werde erklären, was jeder Satz bedeutet.

- Don't worry. I'll explain the meaning of each sentence.
- Don't worry. I'll explain what each phrase means.

Nachdem, was jeder sagt über ihn, glaube ich, dass er in der Tat der richtige Mann für diese Position ist.

Judging by what everyone says about him, I think he is just the right man for the post.