Translation of "Omas" in English

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Examples of using "Omas" in a sentence and their english translations:

Omas Gebäck ist ungenießbar.

Granny's cookies are inedible.

Omas Kekse sind die besten.

Grandma's cookies are the best.

Nach Omas plötzlichem Tod begann Opa schnell zu altern.

After Grandma's sudden death, Grandpa began to age rapidly.

„Gibt es eigentlich Omas alte Kaffeemühle noch?“ – „Die muss noch irgendwo im Keller stehen.“

- "Have you still got Nan's old coffee grinder?" "It must still be in the cellar somewhere."
- "Is Nan's old coffee grinder still about?" "It'd have to be somewhere in the cellar."