Translation of "Tranchants" in English

0.171 sec.

Examples of using "Tranchants" in a sentence and their english translations:

J'espère que la corde résistera aux bords tranchants.

I hope this rope is okay over those sharp edges.

Le problème, c'est que les bords… sont tranchants.

The problem is, a lot of these edges... are razor sharp.

Ses bords dentelés et tranchants coupent comme une scie.

It's razor sharp serrated edges will cut you just like a saw.

Mais ces rochers tranchants risquent de couper la corde.

The problem is, these sharp rocks could cut through our rope just like a knife.

Mots tranchants: «Alors, prince d'Essling, vous n'êtes plus Masséna?

cutting words, “So, Prince of Essling, you are no longer Masséna?”