Translation of "Ego" in English

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Examples of using "Ego" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom est mon alter ego.

Tom is my alter ego.

Il a un ego sur-dimensionné.

He has a huge ego.

J'ai missionné un tordu, il a ramené son alter ego.

I asked a crooked person to fetch me a sickle; he brought me back some wind.

Et c'était juste mon ego, j'en ai senti tout son poids.

And just the ego; I felt that ego.

A eu pour but de construire une relation stable avec votre ego.

has been about building a stable relationship with your ego.

Le pronom "eu" de la langue portugaise est venu du latin "ego".

The Portuguese pronoun "eu" came from Latin "ego".

Sami, un transsexuel, a créé un alter ego qu'il a appelé Layla.

Sami, a transsexual, created an alter ego he named Layla.

On les porte seulement dans les situations où notre ego a peur de souffrir à nouveau,

We only wear them in situations in which the ego is afraid of getting hurt again