Translation of "Clown " in English

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Examples of using "Clown " in a sentence and their english translations:

Espèce de clown !


Ils étaient tous déguisés en clown.

They were all done up like clowns.

Mon ami est vraiment un clown.

My friend is really a clown.

À qui tu parles, le clown ?

- Who're you talking to, clown?
- Who're you talking to, fool?

Le clown a fait exprès de tomber.

The clown fell down on purpose.

Tiens, voilà l'autre clown qui en redemande !

There, here is the other clown asking for more!

Le clown faisait un drôle de visage.

The clown made a funny face.

Sami est le clown de la famille.

Sami is the clown of the family.

Ne dis pas à ton père que tu veux devenir clown.

Don't tell your father you want to become a clown.

Il s'habille comme un gentleman mais il parle et agit comme un clown.

His dress is that of gentleman, but his speech and behavior are those of a clown.

- Arrête de faire le clown !
- Arrête de faire le clown !
- Arrêtez de faire les clowns !

Quit clowning around!

Picasso n'était pas un clown. C'était un commentateur sarcastique de son temps perturbé, un grand archiviste de la bêtise humaine.

Picasso was no clown. He was a sarcastic commentator on a confused age, a great archivist of humanity's foolishness.