Translation of "Attendait" in English

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Attendait" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom attendait.

Tom waited.

L'équipe attendait.

The team waited.

Marie attendait.

Mary waited.

Elle attendait.

She waited.

L'avocat attendait Ben.

The lawyer was expecting Ben.

Tom attendait nerveusement.

- Tom waited nervously.
- Tom nervously waited.

On vous attendait.

- We've been waiting on you.
- We were waiting for you.

L'Amérique attendait que quelqu'un

America's been waiting

Mais Khalid s'y attendait.

But Khalid expected this.

Exactement ce qu'elle attendait.

Just what she's been waiting for.

Il attendait son tour.

He waited his turn.

Elle attendait le bus.

- She waited for the bus.
- She was waiting for the bus.

Dan attendait la police.

Dan was waiting for the police.

Tom attendait à l'intérieur.

Tom waited inside.

Elle attendait qu'il l'appelle.

She waited for him to call.

Sami attendait qu'on l'appelle.

Sami was looking at the phone.

Elle attendait devant le bâtiment.

She was waiting in front of the building.

Il attendait anxieusement son fils.

- He waited for his son with anxiety.
- He waited anxiously for his son.

Tom ne s'y attendait pas.

Tom wasn't expecting it.

- Nous t'attendions.
- On vous attendait.

We've been waiting on you.

Tom attendait Noël avec impatience.

Tom had been looking forward to Christmas.

C'était ce qu'on attendait de lui.

just because he was expected to.

Elle attendait avec impatience qu'il revienne.

She was impatient for him to return.

Il attendait les nouvelles avec impatience.

He was eager for news.

Qui était l'homme qui attendait dehors ?

Who was that man waiting outside?

On s'y attendait tous, n'est-ce pas?

We could all see it coming, couldn't we?

Toute la classe attendait le nouvel instituteur.

All the class waited for the new teacher.

Sami attendait que Layla sorte de l'hôpital.

Sami was waiting for Layla to be discharged from the hospital.

Il a dit qu'il attendait mon retour.

He said he'd wait for me to come back.

Et plus il attendait, pire sa situation deviendrait.

And the longer he waited, the worse his situation would become.

Une large foule attendait que le président parlât.

A great crowd waited for the president to speak.

Tom attendait les nouvelles en retenant son souffle.

Tom awaited the news with bated breath.

Tom ne m'a pas dit qui il attendait.

Tom didn't tell me who he was waiting for.

Tom attendait que ses parents viennent le chercher.

Tom was waiting for his parents to pick him up.

L'Amérique attendait un politicien qui ose dire la vérité.

America's been waiting for a politician who can dare to tell the truth.

Le personnel de Mission Control attendait nerveusement des nouvelles.

The staff at Mission Control waited nervously for news.

Comme on s'y attendait, il a gagné le prix.

As was expected, he won the prize.

Franck attendait avec plaisir son rendez-vous du soir.

Frank was waiting with pleasure for the date in the evening.

- Il attendait son tour.
- Il a attendu son tour.

He waited his turn.

Un jeune homme attendait son tour pour le voir.

A young man waited in line to see him.

L'Amérique attendait quelqu'un faisant preuve d'une réelle aptitude à diriger.

America's been waiting for someone who can really show leadership.

- Nous t'attendions.
- Nous vous attendions.
- On vous attendait.
- On t'attendait.

We were waiting for you.

On attendait du champion de l'année dernière qu'il remportât Wimbledon.

Last year’s champion was expected to win Wimbledon.

Elle attendait ardemment le retour au foyer de son mari.

She waited longingly for the return of her husband.

Elle attendait avec impatience de passer du temps avec lui.

She was looking forward to spending time with him.

Elle attendait sur le quai au moment où le bateau rentra.

She was waiting at the quay as the ship came in.

Elle tua le temps en lisant un magazine, pendant qu'elle attendait.

She killed time reading a magazine while she waited.

- Tom ne s'attendait pas à ça.
- Tom ne s'y attendait pas.

- Tom wasn't expecting this.
- Tom didn't expect that.
- Tom didn't expect this.
- Tom wasn't expecting that.
- Tom wasn't expecting it.
- Tom did not expect this.
- Tom had not been expecting this.

Beth attendait avec impatience de le voir, mais il ne se montra jamais.

Beth was looking forward to meeting him, but he never showed up.

Le détective Dan Anderson attendait avec impatience les résultats de laboratoire du crime.

Detective Dan Anderson waited anxiously for the crime lab results.

Je perdis mes enfants dans la foule qui attendait le dernier bateau, à la libération.

I lost my children in the crowd that awaited the last ship for freedom.

Le chien attendait son maître, seul devant la porte, dans le froid glacial de décembre.

The dog awaited its master, alone in front of the door, in the icy cold of December.

Alors qu'il attendait son heure, de nombreuses délégations de villes côtières sont venues à César et

While he was biding his time, numerous delegations from coastal cities came to Caesar and either

Sans qu'il s'en rende compte, cela faisait peut-être deux heures qu'il attendait à cet arrêt de bus.

Without realising it, he had already been waiting at the bus stop for two hours.

Dan attendait dans le couloir de la salle d'urgence d'avoir des nouvelles des résultats de l'état de Linda.

Dan waited in the emergency room hallway to hear the status of Linda's condition.

Mais le «maréchal de fer», comme on l'appelait maintenant, sauvait ses hommes pour ce qu'il savait qui les attendait.

But the ‘Iron Marshal’, as he was now known,  was saving his men for what he knew lay ahead.

Masséna attendait à l'extérieur de Lisbonne des renforts qui ne sont jamais venus, tandis que la maladie et les

Masséna waited outside Lisbon for reinforcements that never came, while sickness and guerrilla

Au printemps, quand les jours rallongent et que le soleil chauffe plus, elle attendait le premier rouge-gorge revenant du sud.

In the spring, when the days grew longer and the sun warmer, she waited for the first robin to return from the south.

- Quoi qu'il en soit, la chauve-souris qui serait à l'origine du virus CoVid-19, nous aura sidérés, puisque personne ne s'y attendait.
- Quoi qu'il en soit, la chauve-souris qui serait à l'origine du virus CoVid-19, nous aura laissés sans voix, puisque personne ne s'y attendait.

- Anyway, the bat that is believed to be the source of the COVID-19 virus will have stunned us, since no one expected it.
- Anyway, the bat that is believed to be the source of the COVID-19 virus will have flabbergasted us, since no one expected it.

Comme maman renarde attendait, inquiète, le retour de son petit en frémissant d’impatience, elle fut si heureuse lorsqu’il arriva qu’elle eut envie de pleurer et lui fit un gros câlin.

The mother fox was worried while she was eagerly waiting for the boy fox's return. When the boy returned she pulled him to her warm chest and was so happy she wanted to cry.