Translation of "Excuses" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Excuses" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Don't make excuses.

- No pongas excusas.
- No pongáis excusas.
- No ponga excusas.
- No pongan excusas.

- You only make excuses.
- You only ever make excuses.
- All you do is make excuses.

Sólo das excusas.

You're out of excuses.

- No te quedan excusas.
- No os quedan excusas.
- No le quedan excusas.
- No les quedan excusas.

Your excuses are useless.

Tus excusas son inútiles.

Tom always makes excuses.

Tom siempre pone excusas.

You're constantly making excuses.

Constantemente inventas excusas.

- There is no use in making excuses.
- There's no use making excuses.

Son inútiles las excusas.

Tom began to make excuses.

Tom empezó a poner excusas.

I've had enough of your excuses.

- Ya me he hartado de tus excusas.
- Ya me he cansado de tus excusas.

I don't want to hear any excuses.

No quiero oír ninguna excusa.

I don't want to hear your excuses.

No quiero escuchar tus excusas.

He is very bad at inventing excuses.

Él es muy malo inventando excusas.

Because only those people who hide behind excuses

Porque solo aquellas personas que se esconden detrás de excusas

I don't want to hear any more excuses.

No quiero oír más excusas.

We are not looking for excuses, but for answers!

¡No buscamos excusas, sino respuestas!

So we can get rid of all those excuses

Así que podemos deshacernos de todas esas excusas-

I've heard many excuses before, but yours takes the cake.

He oído muchas excusas pero la tuya se lleva la palma.

He who looks for excuses doesn't have any chances for success.

El que busca excusas no tiene ninguna posibilidad de triunfar.

You are always making excuses for not doing your share of the work.

Siempre estás inventando excusas para no hacer tu parte del trabajo.

Fool them, you cannot sway with excuses. If you owe money and do not

engañarlos, no puedes irles con excusas. Si les debes dinero y no

Now, to be fair, we can say that Macri has had two pretty-good "excuses":

Ahora, para ser justos, podemos decir que Macri tiene tenía dos "excusas" bastante buenas:

- Whatever excuses he may make, I cannot forgive him.
- It doesn't matter what excuse he gives me, I can't forgive him.

Ni por cualquier excusa que él ponga, yo no lo puedo perdonar.