Translation of "Constantly" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Constantly" in a sentence and their spanish translations:



- He contradicts himself constantly.
- He constantly contradicts himself.

Se contradice continuamente.

constantly attacking us

constantemente atacandonos

He's constantly abroad.

Viaja seguido al extranjero.

- It's snowing incessantly.
- It snows constantly.
- It's constantly snowing.

Nevaba sin descanso.

And constantly coming hikes

y constantemente caminatas

He is constantly complaining.

Siempre se está quejando.

I miss you constantly.

Te extraño incesantemente.

Languages are constantly changing.

- Las lenguas cambian constantemente.
- Las lenguas cambian de continuo.

You're constantly making excuses.

Constantemente inventas excusas.

He was constantly hesitating.

Titubeaba constantemente.

Is constantly changing. Because fluid

está cambiando constantemente. Porque fluido

constantly producing new magnetic fields.

produciendo constantemente nuevos campos magnéticos.

She is constantly writing letters.

Ella está constantemente escribiendo cartas.

He constantly criticizes other people.

Él critica a los otros sin cesar.

His wife nags him constantly.

Su esposa le fastidia constantemente.

Computers are constantly being improved.

Las computadoras se están mejorando constantemente.

That things are constantly changing.

que las cosas cambian constantemente

I'm constantly trying to improve.

Constantemente trato de mejorar.

He is constantly justifying within himself

Está constantemente justificandose a sí mismo,

We are constantly surrounded by it,

Nos encontramos rodeado de ello,

I constantly tried to lose weight,

Intenté constantemente perder peso

The stares, constantly staring at me,

Las miradas, esas miradas permanentes,

Why does he constantly get infected?

¿Por qué se infecta constantemente?

constantly eating that secretion, no movement

constantemente comiendo esa secreción, sin movimiento

About it constantly says low energy

al respecto dice constantemente baja energía

Why are you constantly changing flags?

¿Por qué estás todo el rato cambiando las banderas?

I constantly quarrel with my wife.

Me la paso discutiendo con mi esposa.

I am constantly forgetting people's names.

Siempre me olvido del nombre de la gente.

Test pilots are constantly tempting fate.

Los pilotos de prueba desafían constantemente al destino.

Sally was constantly changing her hairstyle.

Sally constantemente cambiaba su peinado.

The kingdoms were constantly at war.

Los reinos estaban constantemente en estado de guerra.

That you guys are constantly asking

que ustedes constantemente preguntan

And we'll run into resonances constantly again.

y nos encontraremos con resonancias constantemente otra vez.

Our focus is constantly on the future

nos centramos constantemente en el futuro

With a constantly growing roar around us.

con un rugido constante alrededor.

constantly jumping from one branch to another,

constantemente saltando de un lugar a otro,

constantly wants to be mentioned and praised

constantemente quiere ser mencionado y alabado

He was constantly borrowing money from me.

Él constantemente me pedía dinero prestado.

His mother is constantly complaining about it.

Su madre se queja constantemente de ello.

My sister is constantly reading comic books.

- Mi hermana se pasa el tiempo leyendo tebeos.
- Mi hermana se pasa el tiempo leyendo cómics.

And in the patients that constantly have tinnitus,

Y en los pacientes que tienen constantemente tinnitus,

Without being constantly connected, without an email inbox.

sin estar constantemente conectado, sin una bandeja de correo.

Italian peninsula, constantly chasing after the senate's forces.

península italiana, constantemente persiguiendo a las fuerzas del senado.

This is an area that is constantly changing.

Esta es un área que cambia constantemente.

It changes constantly, depending on the water level.

Cambia constantemente, dependiendo del nivel del agua.

And people were constantly coming to be baptized.

- Y la gente no dejaba de venir a ser bautizada.
- Y la gente no paraba de venir a ser bautizada.
- Y la gente venía constantemente a ser bautizada.

She is constantly in and out of hospital.

Ella continuamente entra y sale del hospital.

Could you please refrain from interrupting me constantly!

¿Podrías dejar de interrumpirme constantemente?

The translator constantly learns new things about himself.

El traductor aprende constantemente nuevas cosas sobre sí mismo.

Drew constantly checks government listings of unclaimed property.

Drew comprueba constantemente los listados del gobierno de propiedades no reclamadas.

We are constantly focused on what we will achieve.

nos concentramos constantemente en lo que vamos a conseguir.

They are constantly exposed to artillery fire, to bombs,

Están constantemente expuestos a fuego de artillería, bombas,

Those roles and ranges are constantly expanding and evolving.

Esos roles y rangos constantemente se expanden y evolucionan.

It constantly appalls me how stupid he can be.

Me sorprende constantemente lo estúpido que puede ser.

Are constantly putting players into these murky ethical situations.

ponen al jugador en estas situaciones éticas difíciles

They constantly bid and treat each visitor type differently.

constantemente ofrecen y tratan a cada tipo de visitante de manera diferente.

And I stopped having to be constantly right about everything

y dejé de tener que estar constantemente en lo correcto,

Regarding how we constantly focus on what we will achieve.

tiene relación con cómo nos centramos constantemente en lo que lograremos.

Involves a real change and a reality that's constantly evolving.

supone un cambio real y una realidad en continuo progreso.

So by creating a connection with myself through meditation constantly,

así que creando una conexión con mi interior a través de la meditación,

constantly remind yourself that you're unaware of your first impression.

recordar que no somos conscientes de nuestras primeras impresiones.

The brutality of the cyclists who constantly surround you here.

la brutalidad de los ciclistas que constantemente te rodean aquí.

He is constantly staring at you. He surely loves you.

Está todo el rato mirándote. Seguro que está enamorado de ti.

My small bladder has me constantly running to the bathroom.

Mi pequeña vejiga me tiene constantemente corriendo al baño.

I am constantly amazed at the energy of my grandparents.

El vigor de mis abuelos siempre me sorprende.

You and your fellow players are constantly put into situations

tú y tus compañeros se encuentran constantemente con situaciones

- I miss you all the time.
- I miss you constantly.

Te extraño incesantemente.

- I'm always forgetting people's names.
- I am constantly forgetting people's names.

Siempre me olvido del nombre de la gente.

Disagreeing is normal, but constantly disagreeing with everything gets pretty annoying.

Discrepar es normal, pero estar continuamente en desacuerdo con todo termina siendo enojoso.

I don't know what to wear, because the weather's constantly changing.

No sé qué ponerme, porque el tiempo cambia continuamente.

So don't be a spammy site, if you're just this constantly

Así que no seas un sitio spam, si solo eres esto constantemente

If he does not raise the tip of his nose constantly upwards

Si no levanta la punta de la nariz constantemente hacia arriba

Our genetic material is being constantly invaded by small egocentric molecular parasites.

Nuestro material genético está siendo constantemente invadido por pequeñísimos parásitos moleculares egocéntricos.

- Tom and Mary fight all the time.
- Tom and Mary fight constantly.

- Tomás y María se pelean continuamente.
- Tomás y María se están continuamente peleando.

That guy is a real weather vane: he constantly changes his mind.

Ese tío es un verdadero veleta: constantemente cambia de opinión.

Lately I've had the feeling there has been someone following me constantly.

- Últimamente, tengo la sensación de que alguien me sigue a todas horas.
- Últimamente, creo que alguien me está siguiendo todo el tiempo.

The basement of his house is constantly inundated with inexplicable water leaks.

El sótano de su casa se inunda constantemente por pérdidas de agua inexplicables.

We constantly predict what we think is likely to happen before it ever occurs.

constantemente predecimos que lo que pensamos es lo que probablemente ocurrirá.

You and your plastic brain are constantly being shaped by the world around you.

Uds. y su cerebro plástico son moldeados por el mundo que les rodea.

I was at the zoo with my children, and the phone was ringing constantly.

Estaba en el zoológico con mis hijos y el teléfono sonaba constantemente.

Gases in the atmosphere are constantly increasing as the rate of their concentration increases.

risa en la atmósfera aumentan constantemente a medida que aumenta la tasa de concentración .