Translation of "Traced" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Traced" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

But life takes its course traced by the hand of Destiny - it is best to forget.

A vida, porém, segue o seu rumo traçado pela mão do Destino – o melhor é esquecer.

And forth they bring the broidered tapestry, / with purple dyed and wrought full cunningly. / The tables groan with silver; there are told / the deeds of prowess for the gazer's eye, / a long, long series, of their sires of old, / traced from the nation's birth, and graven in the gold.

De púrpura soberba e esmerado lavor, / toda a tapeçaria; sobre as mesas, / maciça prataria e, cinzelada / em vasos de ouro, série inumerável / de episódios históricos da pátria / fenícia e seus heróis desde alta origem.