Translation of "Toils" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Toils" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Then straight, for doubtful was our answer there, / he knew him taken in the foemen's toils. / Shuddering, he checks his voice, and back his foot recoils.

Assim falou e logo percebeu, / pela falta da senha na resposta, / haver caído entre inimigos. Aturdido, / refreia o passo e a língua.

"She shall the tale repeat / of wars in Italy, thy destined seat, / what toils to shun, what dangers do despise, / and make the triumph of thy quest complete."

"Ela da Itália falará das tribos; / das guerras que te espreitam; vai dizer-te / como evitar ou superar dificuldades; / e, se lhe fores reverente, ela por certo / um feliz navegar te assegura."

"One alone, / Celaeno, sings of famine foul and dread, / a nameless prodigy, a plague unknown. / What perils first to shun? what path to tread, / to win deliverance from such toils?"

"Só a Harpia Celeno, por funestos / ressentimentos, prenuncia-me prodígio / inaudito e nefando, vinculado / à mais sinistra e negra fome. Que perigos / em princípio evitar, que é possível fazer / para vencer as duras provas que me aguardam?”

"O by the gods, who know the just and true, / by faith unstained – if any such there be –, / with mercy deign such miseries to view; / pity a soul that toils with evils all undue."

"Por isso é que te peço – pelos deuses / celestes, pelos numes que a verdade / sabem reconhecer, pela justiça / (se alguma existe imaculada entre os mortais) –, / que te condoas de tamanhos sofrimentos, / que te apiedes de um pobre coração / agora exposto a provações que não merece.”

"When, musing sad and pensive, thou hast found / beside an oak-fringed river, on the shore, / a huge sow thirty-farrowed, and around, / milk-white as she, her litter, mark the ground, / that spot shall see thy promised town; for there / thy toils are ended, and thy rest is crowned."

"Ansioso e preocupado a caminhar, / encontrarás um dia enorme e branca porca / deitada à margem de remoto rio, / recém-parida, à sombra de azinheiras, / amamentando trinta brancos leitõezinhos. / Pois em tal sítio vais fundar tua cidade / e finalmente descansar de teus labores."

"And now already from the heaven's high steep / the dewy night wheels down, and sinking slow, / the stars are gently wooing us to sleep. / But, if thy longing be so great to know / the tale of Troy's last agony and woe, / the toils we suffered, though my heart doth ache, / and grief would fain the memory forego / of scenes so sad, yet, Lady, for thy sake / I will begin," and thus the sire of Troy outspake:

"E já rápido a noite orvalhada eis que foge / do céu e os astros, que se apagam, nos convidam / ao repouso. Porém, se tanto assim desejas / nossas desgraças conhecer e ouvir o escorço / da agonia de Troia, embora minha mente / recue horrorizada ante a lembrança / de tanto luto e dor, o relato eu começo."

- Muse, recount to me the reasons; what deity was offended, or what was the queen of the gods grieving, that she should drive a man extraordinary in his piety to undergo so many misfortunes, to endure so many hardships. Do the heavenly spirits have such passions?
- O Muse, assist me and inspire my song, / the various causes and the crimes relate, / for what affronted majesty, what wrong / to injured Godhead, what offence so great / Heaven's Queen resenting, with remorseless hate, / could one renowned for piety compel / to brave such troubles, and endure the weight / of toils so many and so huge. O tell / how can in heavenly minds such fierce resentment dwell?

Musa, relembra-me! Dos deuses a rainha, / por julgar-se ofendida em sua majestade, / agastada obrigou varão de excepcionais / virtudes a arrostar inenarráveis / situações de perigo e duras provações. / Pode haver tanto fel em corações divinos?