Translation of "Destined" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Destined" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Man is destined to suffer.

Es el destino del hombre sufrir.

He wasn't destined to see her again.

No le estaba destinado volverla a ver.

He was destined to become a simultaneous interpreter.

Él estaba destinado a convertirse en intérprete simultáneo.

He was destined never to see his wife again.

Él ya no volvería a ver a su esposa jamás.

You're not destined to stay in your hotel room or take the tourist tours.

No estás destinado a estar en el hotel y tomar las excursiones turísticas.

But he's not destined for a peaceful end. There's a nocturnal assassin down here.

Pero no está destinado a un final pacífico. Hay un asesino nocturno aquí abajo.

Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century.

Los genios son meteoros destinados a quemarse para iluminar su siglo.

Woe to those who presume that they are destined to ‘enlighten’ others, not themselves!

¡Ay de aquellos que presumen que están destinados a "iluminar" a otros, pero no a sí mismos!

Joachim Murat, the son of an innkeeper,  was destined for a career in the church,  

Joachim Murat, hijo de un posadero, estaba destinado a una carrera en la iglesia,

It is strictly prohibited for Negroes to visit those hospitals, libraries, theatres, cinemas, hotels, and restaurants, which are destined for the Whites.

Está tajantemente prohibido para los negros visitar hospitales, librerías, teatros, cines, hoteles y restaurantes, que están reservados para los blancos.

Without a doubt, every generation feels like they're destined to rebuild the world. Nevertheless, mine knows that it won't rebuild it. But its role is probably greater; it involves preventing the world from destroying itself.

Sin duda, cada generación se cree destinada a rehacer el mundo. Sin embargo, la mía sabe que no lo rehará. Pero su papel es quizá mayor; éste consiste en impedir que el mundo se deshaga.