Translation of "Taloned" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Taloned" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Birds maiden-faced, but trailing filth obscene, / with taloned hands and looks for ever pale and lean.

Essas aves / com rosto de mulher têm mãos aduncas, / fétido e frouxo ventre e a lividez / de eternas esfaimadas.

Back, from another quarter of the sky, / dark-ambushed, round the clamorous Harpies fly / with taloned claws, and taste and taint the prey.

Vindo de esconderijos invisíveis, / de outro ponto do céu surge o estrídulo bando; / cai novamente voejando sobre nós, / os pés em garra, as bocas repugnantes / sujando as iguarias.