Translation of "Sown" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Sown" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- The farmer planted barley.
- The farmer sowed barley.
- The farmer has sown barley.

O agricultor semeou cevada.

Charlemagne is said to have sown the seeds of both Germany and France.

Diz-se que Carlos Magno semeou as sementes da Alemanha e da França.

You know the phrase, we reap what we sow. I have sown the wind and this is my storm.

Conhece a frase, nós colhemos o que plantamos... semeei vento e esta é a minha tempestade.

Ortygia's port we leave, and skim the mere; / soon Naxos' Bacchanalian hills appear, / and past Olearos and Donysa, crowned / with trees, and Paros' snowy cliffs we steer. / Far-scattered shine the Cyclades renowned, / and clustering isles thick-sown in many a glittering sound.

Desde o porto de Ortígia içando as velas, / vogamos céleres, costeando Nados, / dos montes barulhentos das bacantes, / Oléaros, Donisa luxuriante, / Paros, de mármore tão branco quanto a neve: / todo o arquipélago das Cíclades cruzamos, / por estreitos inúmeros passando.

Far off there lies, with many a spacious plain, / the land of Mars, by Thracians tilled and sown, / where stern Lycurgus whilom held his reign; / a hospitable shore, to Troy well-known, / her home-gods leagued in union with our own, / while Fortune smiled.

A terra pelos Trácios habitada, / com seus extensos campos cultivados, / protegida de Marte e onde Licurgo / belicoso reinara, antiga e hospitaleira / aliada foi de Troia, enquanto esta durou – / e mesmo laços de família uniam / aos penates troianos seus penates.