Translation of "Pursue" in Polish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Pursue" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Thirdly, pursue those careers, no matter what.

I pracuj w tym zawodzie.

And how much more I had to pursue.

i z tego, ile musiałam więcej zrobić.

I plan to pursue a career in international finance.

Chciałbym pracować w międzynarodowych finansach.

If I were in good health, I could pursue my studies.

Gdybym cieszył się dobrym zdrowiem, mógłbym kontynuować studia.

The police are reluctant to pursue criminal charges in medical cases.

Policja niechętnie stawia zarzuty w sprawach medycznych.

But which interest should I pursue and try and turn into a job?

ale za którym podążać, by przemienić je w pracę?

You can pursue whatever you want to do, and start when you're in high school.

Już od liceum możesz zajmować się tym, co lubisz.