Translation of "Upbringing" in Japanese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Upbringing" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

A good education doesn't imply a good upbringing.


The children had the benefit of a good upbringing.


Upbringing is what remains when one has forgotten everything one has learned.


They differed with each other on the care and upbringing of their children.

- 彼らは子供の育てかたと躾けかたではお互いに意見が合わなかった。
- 彼らは子供の育て方としつけ方でお互いの意見が合わなかった。

Jean-Baptiste Bessières was the son of a surgeon, with a relatively prosperous upbringing

ジャン=バティストベシエールは外科医の息子であり、 フランス南西部で

She's wearing plain clothes. However, she cannot hide the elegance that comes from her upbringing.
