Translation of "Revealing" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Revealing" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Mary often wears revealing clothes.


The result was pretty much revealing,

それでどうなったかは 一目瞭然です

revealing that night is full of extraordinary challenges...

‎夜がもたらすものは ‎厳しい試練や‎―

By exploring after dark, we're revealing new behavior, too.

‎夜の観察によって ‎新たな行動も明らかになった

Spy’ – a revealing account of the career of Karl Schulmeister, a German smuggler who

スパイ」 をお勧めしたいと思います。これ は、フランスの二重スパイ兼スパイマスターになり、 ナポレオンの成功を

The public servant leaked the secret and he was prosecuted for revealing a state secret.


Right now, to 20 people only, we're revealing for free the secret of manipulating younger women.


He was on the verge of revealing the secret when a sharp look from Martha shut him up.
