Translation of "Iconic" in Japanese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Iconic" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Big, brawny, and blazing orange, Asia’s iconic orangutan.

巨大で屈強で 燃えるような赤毛 アジアの象徴 オランウータンです

Our understanding of some of the most iconic creatures on Earth

‎人間に なじみ深い ‎動物たちも‎―

Our understanding of some of the most iconic creatures is already being redefined.

‎人間に なじみ深い ‎動物たちも‎― ‎新たな一面を見せる

Worked with an astounding list of iconic artists and pulled off the majority of

J・ディラは数々の著名なアーティストと 曲を作りましたが その多くは

Cutting-edge cameras are changing the way we understand some of the most iconic creatures on Earth...

‎最先端のカメラが ‎明らかにしたのは‎― ‎なじみ深い動物の ‎知られざる姿

What you're looking at is an MPC 3000. It sits in a room amongst the most iconic

これは『MPC3000』です この部屋には 他にもー

The view of the Earth from the Moon is one of the iconic images of the 20th century.
