Translation of "Aragon" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Aragon" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

And made him Governor of Aragon.


As Governor of Aragon, Marshal Suchet behaved very differently.

アラゴンの行政を握ったスーシェ元帥の行動は 特異なものだった

He also faced a guerrilla war in Aragon – a popular insurgency, driven by hatred of the

フランスの侵略者への 憎悪に駆り立てられた人気の反乱であるアラゴンでのゲリラ戦争に直面した

The guerrillas could never be completely defeated, but Suchet made Aragon the safest and best-run


He was still held in such esteem in Aragon that a mass was held, to pray for his soul,

彼はまだアラゴンで尊敬されていたため、 サラゴサの大聖堂で 彼の魂を祈るためにミサが開催され