Translation of "Cliffs" in Italian

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Examples of using "Cliffs" in a sentence and their italian translations:

And sheer cliffs, too unstable to climb.

E dirupi troppo instabili da scalare.

And it's home to some huge sea cliffs,

e ospita gigantesche scogliere,

Let's try climbing the cliffs to get ourselves inland.

Proviamo a scalare la roccia per andare all'interno.

The cliffs offer some safety. But she's left behind.

Gli scogli offrono salvezza. Ma lei è rimasta indietro.

I can really feel the up draft coming off these cliffs.

Sento la corrente ascensionale che sale da quelle montagne.

The city was heavily fortified, situated atop steep slopes and cliffs, high above the surrounding plain.

La città era fortemente fortificata, situata in cima a ripidi pendii e scogliere, sopra la pianura circostante.

Sandstone cliffs with steep drop-offs, and slot canyon mazes that twist and turn for miles,

Rupi d'arenaria con dirupi scoscesi, e labirinti di gole che serpeggiano per chilometri,

Scorching valleys that stretch as far as the eye can see. Sandstone cliffs with steep drop-offs,

Valli torride che si estendono a vista d'occhio. Rupi di arenaria con burroni scoscesi,

But that also leaves us right up against these cliffs, and then at the mercy of the tide.

Ma dovremmo anche affrontare le scogliere e saremmo in balia delle maree.