Translation of "Settlers'" in French

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Settlers'" in a sentence and their french translations:

Settlers were forced off their land.

Les colons furent arrachés à leur terre.

The settlers accepted the Indians' help.

Les colons acceptèrent l'aide des Indiens.

Settlers, just like the government that represents them, are all racists, whether they like it or not.

Les colons, aussi bien que le gouvernement qui les représente, sont tous des racistes, qu'ils le veuillent ou non.

Years of resistance to misfortune ended when the settlers' village was overcome by the savages and their hopes and lives came to the bitter end.

Les années de résistances et de mauvaises fortunes finirent lorsque le village des colons fut pris par les sauvages ainsi que leurs espoirs et leur vie.

- There was an ancient city; the Tyrian settlers held it: Carthage, standing afar opposite Italy and the mouths of the Tiber, rich in trade and very harsh in the study of war. Juno is said to have valued this one city more than all lands, even above Samos.
- There stood a city, fronting far away / the mouths of Tiber and Italia's shore, / a Tyrian settlement of olden day, / rich in all wealth, and trained to war's rough lore, / Carthage the name, by Juno loved before / all places, even Samos.

À l'opposé du Tibre et des champs d'Ausonie, / des riches Tyriens heureuse colonie, / Carthage élève aux cieux ses superbes remparts, / séjour de la fortune et le temple des arts. / Aucun lieu pour Junon n'eut jamais tant de charmes : / Samos lui plaisait moins.