Translation of "Sentiments" in French

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Sentiments" in a sentence and their french translations:

He can't control his sentiments.

Il ne peut pas contrôler ses sentiments.

I didn't even know that these sentiments still existed.

Je ne savais déjà même pas que ces sentiments existaient encore.

Nothing appears more surprising to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers.

Rien ne semble plus surprenant à ceux qui considèrent les affaires humaines d'un œil philosophique que la facilité avec laquelle la multitude est gouvernée par une minorité; et la soumission implicite par laquelle les hommes renoncent à leurs propres sentiments et passions pour ceux de leurs gouvernants.