Translation of "Cesurdu" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Cesurdu" in a sentence and their english translations:

O cesurdu.

He was brave.

O cesurdu!

That was brave!

Tom cesurdu.

- Tom was brave.
- Tom was courageous.

Tom çok cesurdu.

Tom was very brave.

Tom oldukça cesurdu.

Tom was quite courageous.

O çok cesurdu.

That was very brave.

Bütün askerler cesurdu.

All the soldiers were gallant.

Tom'un yaptığı oldukça cesurdu.

What Tom did was pretty brave.

O bir çocuktu, ama cesurdu.

- Child as she was, she was brave.
- She was a child, but she was brave.

O bunu söyleyecek kadar cesurdu.

He was brave enough to say it.

Çocuk olduğu için, o cesurdu.

Child as he was, he was brave.

Tek başına oraya gidecek kadar cesurdu.

He was brave enough to go there alone.

Polisler büyük tehlike karşısında çok cesurdu.

The policemen were very brave in the face of great danger.

Tom bunu yapmak için çok cesurdu.

Tom was very courageous to do that.

Tom cesur değildi ama Mary cesurdu.

Tom wasn't courageous, but Mary was.

Tom diğer askerlerin herhangi birinden daha cesurdu.

Tom was braver than any of the other soldiers.

Bazı konularda çekingen olmasına rağmen, başkalarında çok cesurdu.

Though timid in some respects, he was very bold in others.

O da kişisel olarak cesurdu, Lodi'de bir saldırıya ve Rivoli'de bir süvari hücumuna liderlik etti.

He was personally brave too, leading an attack  at Lodi, and a cavalry charge at Rivoli.