Translation of "Familiares" in English

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "Familiares" in a sentence and their english translations:

En reuniones familiares.

at family gatherings.

Mirando las fotos familiares,

Looking at the family photos,

Vi muchas caras familiares.

I saw many familiar faces.

Amigos, vecinos, familiares, mi comunidad:

Friends, neighbors, family, my community:

Buscamos cosas que son familiares.

We seek things that are familiar.

Debemos mantener las tradiciones familiares.

We must keep up the family traditions.

Nuestras opiniones, historias familiares, nuestras creencias,

our declarations, family histories, the things we believe,

Pasar tiempo con amigos y familiares

like spending time with friends and family,

Visitar a familiares o amigos en

relatives or friends in the neighboring village

Nos mostraron todas las fotos familiares.

We were shown all of their family photos.

Mis familiares están todos muy bien.

- My family are all very well.
- Everyone in my family is very healthy.

Me gusta mirar viejas fotos familiares.

I enjoy looking at old family pictures.

Yo creía conocer todas mis fotos familiares,

I believed I knew all my family photos,

Y descargaba esa frustración con mis familiares

and let out that frustration on my family members

Pero sí profundas sanaciones, personales y familiares,

but we have witnessed profound personal and family healing

Sus familiares estaban convencidos de su inocencia.

His relatives were convinced of his innocence.

Él sabe hacer imitaciones de sus familiares.

He can imitate the rest of the family.

Debéis ser consciente de vuestras responsabilidades familiares.

You must be mindful of your family responsibilities.

Sus familiares siempre me daban de comer.

His family always gave me something to eat.

Tom no disfruta mucho las reuniones familiares.

Tom doesn't enjoy family gatherings very much.

Tengo una caja llena de recuerdos familiares.

I have a box full of family memories.

Puede tener familiares que experimentan el color sinestésico.

may have family members who experience synaesthetic colour.

Mi tía Ingrid decidió digitalizar las fotos familiares

My aunt Ingrid decided to digitize all the family photos

Escribió cartas a sus familiares, a sus amigos,

He wrote letters to his relatives, to his friends,

Especialmente si los responsables son familiares y amigos.

especially if it involves family members and friends.

Todos mis amigos y mis familiares han muerto.

All my friends and family are dead.

Las tumbas de mis 31 familiares asesinados en Siria,

the graves of my 31 family members who've been killed in Syria,

Y todos tus familiares te regalan juguetes de chico.

and all of your relatives start to give you boy's toys.

Aunque no sean sordos, o no tengan familiares sordos

even if you are not deaf, or don't have deaf relatives

Del sufrimiento de los alemanes a los familiares interesados.

From the sufferings of the Germans to the interested relatives

Ella no dejaba de hablar sobre sus problemas familiares.

She talked on and on about her family problems.

Me gusta hacer regalos a mis familiares y amigos.

I like to give gifts to my family and friends.

Las colinas, las carreteras y los olores me eran familiares.

But the hills and the roads and the smells are all familiar.

La gente estaba ansiosa de noticias de sus familiares desaparecidos.

People were anxious for news of missing relatives.

Pocas personas saben mantener una relación afectiva con sus familiares.

Not many people know how to keep an affectionate relation with their relatives.

Ninguno de los familiares de Tom vinieron a su funeral.

None of Tom's relatives came to his funeral.

Y luego huyó a donde se encontraban sus familiares en Nagasaki,

and then escaped to his relatives in Nagasaki,

Cuando echo de menos a mis familiares, los llamo por teléfono.

When I long for my relatives, I call them.

El gobierno hizo todo lo posible para romper los lazos familiares.

The government did all it could to break family ties.

Entre familiares y gente conocida, se usa el nombre de pila.

People use their first name when with relatives and acquaintances.

A ocultar nuestra orientación incluso de nuestros amigos o familiares más cercanos.

to hide our orientation from even our closest friends or family members.

Jollibee también ha lanzado comerciales de televisión y anuncios que hacen hincapié en los valores familiares

Jollibee has also pushed out TV commercials and ads that are big on family values

Tan pronto como pueda hacer que mi hijo escanee nuestras fotos familiares, subiré algunas a nuestro sitio web.

As soon as I can get my son to scan our family photos, I'll upload some of them to our website.

Esta es una época del año en la que la gente se reúne con familiares y amigos para observar la Pascua y celebrar la Pascua.

This is a time of year when people get together with family and friends to observe Passover and to celebrate Easter.

"Ah, está bien, está bien... perdón, primita. OK, basta. Por más familiares que seamos, aquí soy un médico de mayor grado que tú. Compórtate bien en el hospital."

"Ah, y-yes ... Sorry, Coz." "Hey! You might be my relative but here I'm your senior and a doctor. Keep things straight while you're in the hospital!"

Los restos mortales de la actriz española Sara Montiel descansan ya en el Cementerio de San Justo de Madrid junto a su madre y su hermana tras un emotivo funeral en el que familiares, amigos y admiradores le han dado el último adiós a la actriz.

Spanish actress Sara Montiel's mortal remains now rest in Madrid's San Justo Graveyard beside her mother and sister, after a touching funeral in which relatives, friends and admirers gave her a last farewell.