Translation of "Caballeria" in English

0.087 sec.

Examples of using "Caballeria" in a sentence and their english translations:

Él dispara todos sus cañones hacia la caballeria otomana que se aproxima.

He fires all of his cannons towards the approaching Ottoman cavalry.

Al eliminar a la caballeria de Servilius, Hannibal neutralizó efectivamente a su ejército consular entero.

By eliminating Servilius' cavalry, Hannibal effectively neutralised his entire consular army.

Al centro, las barricadas otomanas encierran a Mihai en una amarga lucha contra la caballeria akinji.

In the center, the Ottoman barricades locked Mihai in a bitter fight against the akinji cavalry.

Esto deja al contingente de caballeria de Hannibal fuertemente debilitado para la batalla venidera contra Flaminius.

This left Hannibal's cavalry contingent greatly weakened for the upcoming battle against Flaminius.

La caballeria ligera de Hannibal, tiradores y la infantería pesada galica chocan con el centro romano.

Hannibal's light infantry, skirmishers and Gallic heavy infantry clash with the Roman centre.

Sinan ordena a la mayoría de su artilleria que apoyen a la caballeria en el flanco derecho.

Sinan orders most of the artillery to support his cavalry on the right flank.