Translation of "Turbilhão" in English

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Examples of using "Turbilhão" in a sentence and their english translations:

"O raio rápido de Júpiter das nuvens / disparando, os navios dispersou, / os mares agitou com vendavais, / com turbilhão furioso arrebatou / aquele réu, de cujo peito traspassado / jorravam chamas; num rochedo pontiagudo / foi deixá-lo cravado. Isso ela fez!"

- "She herself hurled the swift lightning bolt of Jupiter from the clouds, scattered the boats, and overturned the seas with the winds; she snatched him in a whirlwind while he was breathing out flames from his pierced chest, and impaled him on a sharp rock."
- "She, hurling Jove's winged lightning, stirred the deep / and strewed the ships. Him, from his riven breast / the flames outgasping, with a whirlwind's sweep / she caught and fixed upon a rock's sharp crest."

Estava a soberana ali ditando leis, / ministrando a justiça e repartindo / com critério e equidade encargos e tarefas, / ou mediante sorteio os atribuindo, / quando súbito Eneias vê chegando, / em meio a muita gente, Anteu, Sergesto, / o intrépido Cloanto e outros troianos / que um negro turbilhão dispersara no mar / e para longes costas arrastara.

There, ministering justice, she presides, / and deals the law, and from her throne of state, / as choice determines or as chance decides, / to each, in equal share, his separate task divides. / Sudden, behold a concourse. Looking down, / his late-lost friends AEneas sees again, / Segestus, brave Cloanthus of renown, / Antheus and others of the Trojan train, / whom the black squall had scattered o'er the main, / and driven afar upon an alien strand.

Ante os olhos do herói enorme vaga / chofra de cima a popa do navio / onde os lícios e o fiel Orontes viajavam. / Arrancado do leme, o piloto é jogado / de cabeça pra baixo no oceano. / Quanto ao barco, três vezes rodopia / no mesmo ponto, e o turbilhão voraz / rápido o faz sumir, tragado pelo mar.

One, that bore / the brave Orontes and his Lycian crew, / full in AEneas' sight a toppling wave o'erthrew. / Dashed from the tiller, down the pilot rolled. / Thrice round the billow whirled her, as she lay, / then whelmed below.