Translation of "Disparando" in English

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Examples of using "Disparando" in a sentence and their english translations:

Basicamente, você está pesquisando no Google, tentando achar o email deles, disparando um email para eles, e tentando

In essence, you're Googling, trying to find their email, shooting them an email, trying

"O raio rápido de Júpiter das nuvens / disparando, os navios dispersou, / os mares agitou com vendavais, / com turbilhão furioso arrebatou / aquele réu, de cujo peito traspassado / jorravam chamas; num rochedo pontiagudo / foi deixá-lo cravado. Isso ela fez!"

- "She herself hurled the swift lightning bolt of Jupiter from the clouds, scattered the boats, and overturned the seas with the winds; she snatched him in a whirlwind while he was breathing out flames from his pierced chest, and impaled him on a sharp rock."
- "She, hurling Jove's winged lightning, stirred the deep / and strewed the ships. Him, from his riven breast / the flames outgasping, with a whirlwind's sweep / she caught and fixed upon a rock's sharp crest."

Ao abrigo dos ventos, amplo e calmo / é o porto, porém perto com terríveis / erupções o Etna atroa: ora expelindo / para o alto borbotões de fumegantes nuvens / de negro piche e cinza incandescente, / ou flâmeos globos que às estrelas sobem, / ora as pétreas entranhas da montanha, / com violência arrancadas, disparando, / e vomitando a lava estuante que no peito / do vulcão geme e à boca surge em rubras ondas.

It was a spacious harbour, sheltered deep / from access of the winds, but looming vast / with awful ravage, AEtna's neighbouring steep / thundered aloud, and, dark with clouds, upcast / smoke and red cinders in a whirlwind's blast. / Live balls of flame, with showers of sparks, upflew / and licked the stars, and in combustion massed, / torn rocks, her ragged entrails, molten new, / the rumbling mount belched forth from out the boiling stew.