Translation of "Juncos" in English

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Examples of using "Juncos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Estes juncos até são bons.

Look, these bulrushes actually are pretty good.

Os juncos são muito nutritivos.

Reeds are very nutritious.

Passados dois anos, o faraó teve um sonho: Ele se achava às margens do rio Nilo, quando saíram do rio sete vacas belas e gordas, que começaram a pastar entre os juncos.

After two years Pharaoh had a dream. He thought he stood by the river, out of which came up seven kine, very beautiful and fat: and they fed in marshy places.

Então o faraó contou a José: Em meu sonho eu estava em pé, às margens do Nilo, quando saíram do rio sete vacas, bonitas e bem cevadas, que começaram a pastar entre os juncos.

So Pharao told what he had dreamed: Methought I stood upon the bank of the river, and seven kine came up out of the river, exceeding beautiful and full of flesh: and they grazed on green places in a marshy pasture.

Ela avistou a cesta no meio dos juncos e mandou uma de suas servas apanhá-la. Ao retirar a tampa da cesta, viu uma criança que chorava. Enternecida, anunciou: É um menino dos hebreus.

And when she saw the basket in the sedges she sent one of her maids for it: and when it was brought, she opened it, and seeing within it an infant crying, having compassion on it, she said: This is one of the babes of the Hebrews.

Como não podia escondê-lo por mais tempo, ela pegou uma cesta de papiro, calafetou com betume e piche, pôs nela a criança e deixou-a entre os juncos na margem do rio. De longe, uma das irmãs do menino observava o que lhe ia acontecer.

And when she could hide him no longer, she took a basket made of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and pitch: and put the little babe therein, and laid him in the sedges by the river's brink, his sister standing afar off, and taking notice what would be done.