Translation of "Souffrait" in English

0.240 sec.

Examples of using "Souffrait" in a sentence and their english translations:

Il souffrait.

He was in pain.

Ma famille en souffrait.

My family was suffering.

- Il avait mal.
- Il souffrait.

He was in pain.

Dan souffrait d'une céphalée migraineuse.

Dan was suffering a migraine headache.

L'économie étasunienne souffrait d'une récession.

The American economy suffered a recession.

- La veuve souffrait d'un cancer de l'estomac.
- La veuve souffrait d'un cancer à l'estomac.

The widow suffered from stomach cancer.

- Il souffrait fréquemment de maux de dents.
- Il souffrait souvent de maux de dents.

He often suffered from toothaches.

Il souffrait de maux de tête.

He was suffering from a bad headache.

Il souffrait souvent de maux de dents.

- He often suffered from toothache.
- He often suffered from toothaches.

Il souffrait fréquemment de maux de dents.

- He often suffered from toothache.
- He often suffered from toothaches.

Tom a déclaré qu'il souffrait de claustrophobie.

Tom said that he was claustrophobic.

La veuve souffrait d'un cancer de l'estomac.

The widow suffered from stomach cancer.

Le patient affaibli souffrait d'un cancer de l'estomac.

The feeble patient is suffering from stomach cancer.

Il parla de la maladie dont elle souffrait.

He talked about her illness.

J'ai du abattre mon cheval parce qu'il souffrait beaucoup.

I had to shoot my horse because he was in a lot of pain.

Qui souffrait visiblement du fait de difficultés dans sa vie...

who was plainly suffering from hardships in her life ...

Il a dit qu'il souffrait d'un terrible mal de tête.

He said he was suffering from a bad headache.

Mais il était évident que cette personne souffrait de maladie mentale.

But it was obvious that the person was suffering from mental illness.

Qui souffrait comme moi, connaissait la même peur que la mienne,

and now I know that she felt the exact pain, had the exact fear as me,

Il montrait des signes évidents d'épuisement et souffrait de rhumatismes et de mauvais poumons.

He was showing clear signs of exhaustion, and was plagued by rheumatism and bad lungs.

En ayant été apprise qu’il souffrait du cancer du larynx, on a retiré les cordes vocales de Tom, et il respire maintenant par un trou dans la gorge.

After Tom came to learn that he was suffering from laryngeal cancer, his vocal cords were removed, and he now breathes through a hole in his throat.