Translation of "“shell" in Spanish

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Examples of using "“shell" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The snail retreated into its shell.

El caracol se refugió en su caparazón.

He has come out of his shell.

Ya está dejando de ser tan tímido.

A snail's shell is spiral in form.

La concha de un caracol tiene forma de espiral.

Now let's split the ground shell into two

ahora vamos a dividir el caparazón del suelo en dos

She's only a shell of her former self.

Solo es una sombra de lo que era antes.

Slugs are like snails, but without the shell.

Las babosas son como los caracoles, pero sin concha.

Thanks to his protective shell, he makes it through.

Gracias a su caparazón protector, logra pasar.

Shell the eggs carefully so you don't get burned.

Descasque los huevos con cuidado de no quemarse.

And with a lot of shell. Okay, let's keep going.

Y con mucha cáscara. Bien, sigamos.

The shell of all 35 houses has now been completed,

La estructura de las 35 casas ya se ha completado,

And now I know how the helmet shell is connected to the urchin and how the octopus is connected to the helmet shell.

Y ahora sé cómo la caracola está conectada con el erizo y el pulpo, con la caracola.

And the reason they're sustained is that each droplet contains this shell,

y la razón de que sostengan es que cada gota tiene esta cáscara,

It's what I'd call an urban shell, a uniform, an urban outfit.

Es lo que yo llamaría un caparazón urbano, un uniforme, un atuendo urbano.

At the base of all those arms, there's a drill that can drill through hard shell

En la base de los brazos, tienen un taladro que puede perforar conchas

The first-time precarious fisherman lazily fished dangerous poisonous fish, but soon stopped to shell peas.

El precario pescador primerizo, pescaba perezoso peligrosos peces emponzoñados pero pronto paró para pelar pésoles.

Battle, badly wounded by a shell burst and carried  from the field… as Wellington routed his army.

batalla, gravemente herido por la explosión de un obús y sacado del campo ... como Wellington derrotó su ejército.

But some of these mollusks will only relax if that drill is precisely in the apex of the shell, on the abductor muscle.

Pero algunos de estos moluscos solo se abren si ese taladro está precisamente en el ápice de la concha, en el músculo abductor.

Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those which a chick which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside world.

Nuestras teorías del eterno valen tanto como las que un pollito, que aún no ha salido de la cáscara del huevo, podría formar del mundo exterior.