Translation of "Like" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Like" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Like father, like son.
- Like master, like disciple.

De tal palo, tal astilla.

Like breeds like.

Quien a los suyos se parece en nada los desmerece.

- I like this feeling.
- I like feeling like this.
- I like feeling like that.

Sentirme así me gusta.

Like father, like son.

De tal padre, tal hijo.

Like mother, like daughter.

Tal madre, tal hija.

- I would like shoes like that.
- I'd like shoes like that.

Quisiera unos zapatos así.

Like wouldn't something like that, like you couldn't

Al igual que no sería algo así, como si no pudieras

- I don't like guys like Tom.
- I don't like people like Tom.

- No me gusta la gente como Tomás.
- No me gustan los hombres que son como Tomás.

- I like him.
- I like that.
- I like it.
- I like her.

Me gusta él.


me gusta


me gusta.

Like ...

Como ... ¡

like cocaine and like heroin,

como la cocaína y la heroína,

Like -- unfortunately, like refugee camps,

como, lamentablemente, los campos de refugiados,

I like what you like.

Me agrada que te agrade.

- I like maths.
- I like math.
- I like mathematics.

Me gustan las matemáticas.

- I like traveling.
- I like to travel.
- I like travelling.

Me gusta viajar.

- I like to run.
- I like jogging.
- I like running.

Me gusta correr.

like those myths, like those tenets.

como esos mitos, como esos dogmas.

And like that just like that

porque te asustaste cuando lo hice.

like they'd throw balls like this

como si tiraran bolas como esta

I like women, I like wine.

Me gustan las mujeres, me gusta el vino.

- I like sport.
- I like sports.

Me gusta el deporte.

I don't like men like him.

No me gustan los hombres como él.

- I like languages.
- I like languages!

- Me gustan los idiomas.
- ¡Me gustan las lenguas!
- ¡Me gustan los idiomas!
- Me encantan los idiomas.

"Don't be like that." "Like what?"

"No seas así." "¿Cómo?"

- I like sweets.
- I like candy.

Me gustan los dulces.

I don't like people like Tom.

No me gusta la gente como Tomás.

I like doing stuff like that.

Me gusta hacer cosas como esa.

- I like them.
- I like her.

Ella me agrada.

- I like fish.
- I like seafood.

Me gusta el pescado.

- Like it?
- Do you like it?

¿Te gusta?

like companies like Moz are doing.

como empresas como Moz.

- We're just like brothers.
- We are like brothers.
- We're like brothers.

Somos como hermanos.

- We're almost like brothers.
- We're just like brothers.
- We're like brothers.

Somos casi como hermanos.

- I like taking a walk.
- I like to walk.
- I like taking walks.
- I like walking.

- Me gusta pasear.
- Me gusta caminar.

- You like watching telly.
- You like watching television.
- They like watching telly.
- They like watching television.

A ellos les gusta mirar la tele.

- I too like candies.
- I, too, like candy.
- I like candy, too.
- I also like candy.

A mí también me gustan los dulces.

- I wouldn't want everyone acting like me.
- I wouldn't want everyone behaving like me.
- I wouldn't like everyone acting like me.
- I wouldn't like everyone behaving like me.
- I wouldn't like everyone being like me.

No quisiera que todas las personas hicieran como yo.

like heartbreak,

como el desamor,

like anxiety,

como ansiedad,

Like, seriously.

En serio.

Like, time.

Como el tiempo.

Like what?

¿Cómo que?

Like Maidan.

Como en Maidan.

like Tesla?

como Tesla.

Like it?

¿Te gusta?



Everyone's like,

Todos son como,

like housing insecurity, like broken immigration systems,

como la inseguridad de la vivienda, sistemas de inmigración disfuncionales

like rust or pyrite, like fool's gold,

como óxido o pirita, el oro de los tontos

Some people like baseball, others like soccer.

- Hay a quienes les gusta el béisbol, y a quienes les gusta el fútbol.
- A algunas personas les gusta el béisbol; a otras, el fútbol.

- I like rock.
- I like rock music.

Me gusta el rock.

- I like to run.
- I like running.

Me gusta correr.

- I like traveling.
- I like to travel.

Me gusta viajar.

- I like to swim.
- I like swimming.

Me gusta nadar.

- I like to sing.
- I like singing.

Me gusta cantar.

Why do you like something like that?

¿Por qué te gusta algo así?

- I like to eat.
- I like eating.

Me gusta comer.

- I am like you.
- I'm like you.

- Soy como vosotros.
- Soy como tú.
- Soy como vosotras.

- I like to work.
- I like working.

Me gusta trabajar.

Do you like it? I like it.

¿A ti te gusta? A mí sí.

- You like to swim.
- You like swimming.

- Te gusta nadar.
- Te gusta la natación.

- I like jazz music.
- I like jazz.

Me gusta el jazz.

- I like you.
- I do like you.

Sí, tú me gustas.

- I like talking.
- I like to talk.

Me gusta hablar.

Don't write like that. Write like this.

- No escribas de esa manera. Escribí así.
- No escribas de esa manera. Escribe así.

- I like to dance.
- I like dancing.

- Me encanta bailar.
- Me gusta bailar.

- I like cake.
- I like eating cake.

Me gustan los pasteles.

- I like to walk.
- I like walking.

Me gusta caminar.

- We are like brothers.
- We're like brothers.

Somos como hermanos.

- We like to play.
- We like playing.

Nos gusta jugar.