Translation of "Into" in Spanish

0.114 sec.

Examples of using "Into" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

into addictions, into meaningless relationships, into emptiness.

hacia adicciones, relaciones sinsentido, o hacia el vacío.

into Iraq.

hacia Irak.

And converted into biomass; into vegetable material.

y los convierte en biomasa; en materia vegetal.

- She broke into tears.
- She burst into tears.

Ella rompió a llorar.

- He's gone into hiding.
- He went into hiding.

Él se está escondiendo.

- What's gotten into you?
- What's gotten into you anyway?
- What's gotten into you lately?

¿Qué se te ha metido?

into a club.

a una disco.

into dangerous waters.

y lo llevó a aguas peligrosas.

into foreign policies.

en políticas exteriores.

into different segments.

en diferentes segmentos.

Converting into customers.

convirtiendo en clientes.

into brand evangelists.

en evangelizadores de tu marca.

- Come into the room.
- Please come into the room.

- Entra en la habitación.
- Entra a la habitación.
- Por favor, entra en la habitación.

- I am really into soccer.
- I'm really into football.

Me interesa mucho el fútbol.

- Tom has gone into hiding.
- Tom went into hiding.

Tom se ha escondido.

- Tom didn't go into details.
- Tom didn't get into details.
- Tom didn't go into detail.

Tom no dio mucho detalle.

Crash into the moon, or be hurled into deep space.

estrellarse contra la luna o ser lanzado al espacio profundo.

- Heat turns ice into water.
- Heat changes ice into water.

El calor transforma el hielo en agua.

- I didn't go into details.
- I didn't go into specifics.

No entré en detalles.

- Put this sentence into English.
- Translate this sentence into English.

Traduce esta frase al inglés.

- He stepped into dog doo.
- He stepped into dog shit.

- Él pisó mierda de perro.
- Pisó caca de perro.

- He fell into the river.
- She fell into the river.

Se cayó al río.

- Tom dove into the pool.
- Tom dived into the pool.

Tom se zambulló en la piscina.

Cut the cheese into thin slices or into little cubes.

Corta el queso en rodajas finas o en cubos.

- Everyone jumped into the pool.
- Everybody jumped into the pool.

Todos saltaron a la piscina.

- I steal into the house.
- I sneak into the house.

Entro en la casa a hurtadillas.

into more convenient ones.

por otras más convenientes.

They walk into it.

Caminarían hacia él

And ends into silence.

y termina en el silencio.

I fell into depression,

Caí en depresión,

And into uncertain territory.

hacia territorio desconocido.

into each AI implementation.

en cada implementación de AI.

Soaking into the walls,

se mojan las paredes...

Get into the car.

- Subí al auto.
- Sube al auto.

I went into details.

Entré en detalles.

Everybody burst into laughter.

Todo el mundo echó una carcajada.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Todo el mundo se echó a reír.

Get into your pajamas.

- Poneos los pijamas.
- Ponte pijama.

He ran into debt.

Él se endeudó.

Tom burst into tears.

Tom rompió a llorar.

Come into my room.

Ven a mi habitación.

Come into the room.

- Entra en la habitación.
- Entra a la habitación.

He burst into tears.

Rompió en lágrimas.

Enter into that cabin.

Entra a aquella cabina.

Tom bumped into Mary.

Tom se tropezó con Mary.

I got into trouble.

Me metí en problemas.

We're looking into that.

En eso estamos.

Tom burst into laughter.

Repentinamente Tom empezó a reirse a carcajadas.

Look into my eyes.

Mírame a los ojos.

Water changes into steam.

El agua se convierte en vapor.

I sank into unconsciousness.

- Yo me hundí en la inconsciencia.
- Me desplomé inconsciente.

You'll get into trouble.

Te meterás en problemas.

Deeper into this topic,

profundizar más en este tema,

He got into bed.

Se metió en la cama.

Acid eats into metal.

El ácido corroe el metal.

She burst into tears.

Ella rompió a llorar.

I'd look into it.

- Yo lo investigaría.
- Yo le echaría un vistazo.

Look into the future!

Mira hacia el futuro.

Tom went into hiding.

Tom pasó a la clandestinidad.

Put this into English.

Pon esto en inglés.

Tom got into bed.

Tom se metió en la cama.

into solving this problem,

a resolver este problema,

into energy for change.

en energía para el cambio.

The things that I tune into, that my mind tunes into.

las cosas en las que sintonizo, en las que mi mente sintoniza.

Radio and records brought music into our vehicles, into our homes.

La radio y las grabaciones introdujeron la música en nuestros coches y hogares.

- Tom has fallen into the river.
- Tom fell into the river.

Tom se cayó al río.

- I have taken everything into consideration.
- I've taken everything into consideration.

Tomé todo en consideración.

- Tom ran into the room.
- Tom came running into the room.

Tom entró corriendo a la habitación.

- His novel was translated into Japanese.
- His novel has been translated into Japanese.
- Her novel has been translated into Japanese.
- Her novel was translated into Japanese.

Su novela ha sido traducida al japonés.

We go up and into this tank? Or into the scrap pile?

¿Nos metemos en este tanque? ¿O revisamos la chatarra?

- The stream falls into the pond.
- The stream flows into the pond.

La corriente llega hasta el estanque.

- You must not come into the kitchen.
- Don't come into the kitchen.

No entres en la cocina.

- Don't throw rocks into the river.
- Don't throw stones into the river.

No tires piedras al río.

Don't look into the abyss. Otherwise, the abyss will gaze into you.

No mires al abismo, si no el abismo te mirará a ti.

- His novel was translated into Japanese.
- Her novel was translated into Japanese.

Su novela fue traducida al japonés.

- Tom climbed back into his car.
- Tom got back into his car.

Tom volvió a meterse en su coche.

- I bumped into your dad yesterday.
- I bumped into your father yesterday.

Ayer me choqué con tu padre.

- I ran into your father yesterday.
- I ran into your dad yesterday.

Ayer me topé con tu padre.