Translation of "Tiber" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Tiber" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Horatius jumped into the Tiber.

Horácio atirou-se ao Tibre.

"Seas remain / to plough, long years of exile must be thine, / ere thou at length Hesperia's land shalt gain, / where Lydian Tiber glides through many a peopled plain."

"Longo exílio te espera e hás de sulcar / as vastidões do oceano até chegares / à terra itálica, onde o lídio e manso Tibre / corre entre férteis campos cultivados."

- There was an ancient city; the Tyrian settlers held it: Carthage, standing afar opposite Italy and the mouths of the Tiber, rich in trade and very harsh in the study of war. Juno is said to have valued this one city more than all lands, even above Samos.
- There stood a city, fronting far away / the mouths of Tiber and Italia's shore, / a Tyrian settlement of olden day, / rich in all wealth, and trained to war's rough lore, / Carthage the name, by Juno loved before / all places, even Samos.

Existiu no passado uma cidade, / colônia tíria, no ultramar, defronte à Itália / e à dupla foz do Tibre: era Cartago, / empório próspero e potência militar, / na guerra sempre uma temível inimiga. / Dizem que Juno a preferia a todas / as outras terras, inclusive a própria Samos.

"If ever Tiber and the fields I see / washed by her waves, ere mingling with the brine, / and build the city which the Fates decree, / then kindred towns and neighbouring folk shall join, / yours in Epirus, in Hesperia mine, / and linked thenceforth in sorrow and in joy, / with Dardanus the founder of each line, / so let posterity its pains employ, / two nations, one in heart, shall make another Troy."

"Se algum dia eu sulcar águas do Tibre / e arar campos por onde o Tibre corre; / se me for dado ver erguida a fortaleza / que lá estaria reservada á minha raça, / essas cidades, que serão de mesma origem, / essas nações irmãs, uma no Epiro / e outra na Hespéria, ambas de Dárdano provindo / e partilhando históricos eventos, / irão se unir, formando uma só pátria, / duas Troias, assim, transformando-se em uma. / Que de cumpri-lo os nossos pósteros se incumbam!”