Translation of "Privately" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Privately" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

We must talk privately.

Devemos falar em particular.

Can I talk to you privately?

Posso falar com você em particular?

I want to talk privately with Tom.

Eu quero falar com Tom em particular.

I have already described the Philadelphia experiment privately

Eu já descrevi o experimento da Filadélfia em particular

He contrived a means of speaking to Nancy privately.

Ele arrumou um jeito de falar com Nancy em particular.

- Can I talk to you in private?
- Can I talk to you privately?

Eu posso falar com você em particular?

- May I speak to you alone?
- Can I talk to you privately?
- Can I speak to you in private?
- May I talk to you in private?

Posso falar com você em particular?

But there's also a nifty tool for making a record of a digital project that can either be kept public or saved privately - or downloaded for offline storage.

Mas há também uma ferramenta bacana para gravar um projeto digital que pode ser mantido público ou salvo em particular - ou baixado para armazenamento offline.

Why wouldst thou run away privately, and not acquaint me, that I might have brought thee on the way with joy, and with songs, and with timbrels, and with harps?

Por que fugiste secretamente, enganando-me em vez de me avisares, para que eu pudesse fazer-te uma despedida com festa, com cantos, tímpanos e cítaras?

- I want to talk to Tom alone.
- I want to speak to Tom alone.
- I want to talk with Tom alone.
- I wish to speak to Tom in private.
- I want to talk to Tom privately.

Eu quero falar com o Tom a sós.